Computer Knowledge

Which one is both input and output device?-Touch Screen
In most applications 'F1' stands for?-Help
Seek time is---Time to position the head over proper track
Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?-PROM
Which of the following is true?-All of above
Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?-Ctrl + Alt + Del
'.bak' extensionrefers usually to what kind of file?-Backup file
In an email address '[email protected]', the portion 'bbb' indicates?-Domain name
The brain of a computer within the CPU is—-ALU
'Bkash' is an example of:-Mobile banking
A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called?-LAN
Which kind of mathematics does the coputer use in operation?-Binary
An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is---Mass storage
All the Banking ATMs accept---both debit card and credit card
Which of the following is called low level languages?-Both of the above
Which is the largest unit of storage?-terabyte
Which file is run automatically if it is available?-CONFIG.SYS
BCD is---Binary Coded Decimal
Which of the following is not an internet search engine?-Windows
Which of the following device doesn't use scanning as a first step in its working principle?-Plotter
The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used electronic data processing system is called---ASCII
You must install this on a netwark if you want to share a broadband internet connection:-Router
Which is not Internet browsing software?-Netscape Navigator
VOIP means?-Voice Over Internet Protocol
UNIVAC is---Universal Automatic Computer
SIM means-Subscriber Identity Module
In Ms Word CTRL + E will-Centre Alignment
Which of the following professions has not been affected by personal computers?-None of the above
Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?-All of the above
Which of the following components will hold a charge even through power had been removed?-Capacitor
Which one is not an e-mail software?-Calypso
Properly arranged data is called---Information
The term dot per inch (dpi) refers to---Resolution
One milisecond is---1000 seconds
Microsoft is trying to buy which of the following search engine?-Yahoo
Which of the following banking transactions is possible through ATM booth used in Bangladeshi Banks?-Withdrawing cash
Your PC tells you that your 200 M hard drive is out of space. However, when you run DIR, the total size of your files add to less than 200 M. How do you account for this difference?-Hidden files
Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by---Read/write leads
Which is the first computer of the world?-ENIAC
Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?-Disk
OMR means---Optical Mark Recognition
A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is---Cluster
Which connector STP uses?-RJ-45
Another word for a daisy wheel printer---Golf ball printer
The technology of transformation of information from computer to computer is called---Internet
The computer stores its program and data in its--Memory
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called---Sorting
Anti-virus software is a—-Utility software
CRTs, LEDs and LCDs are—-Used for output, not for input
CHKDSK command is used to---All of the above
In general 'My document' is located at?-C Drive
The first digital computer was invented by---Blais Pascal
During the POST, what dose a single beep indicate?-Normal operation of the PC
Unsolicited commercial e-mail is commonly known as—-Spam
Which of the following is the correct syntax for a URL?
JPG extension refers usually to what kind of file?-Image file
Which of the following is not an antivirus software?-Symantec
VGA is---Video Graphics Array
Which statement is valid about interpreter?-It translates one ibstruction at a time
What part of the computer interprets and executes instructions that are posed to it?-CPU
In Bangladesh, BTRC provides bandwidth of internet services through submarine cable network. Which of the following submarine cable networks is connected with Bangladesh?-SEA-ME-WE
Which is the limitation of high level language?-Lower efficiency
Which of the following is not an output device?-Scanner
Which of the following is machine independence program?-High level language
Who is the legend of computer world?-Bill Gates
Along computer works on the supply of---Continuous electrical pules
Which is the first computer language of the world?-FORTRAN
The base 16 number system is---Hexadecimal
Which of the following statements are true?-All of the above
A separate file sent as a part of an e-mail message is called a/an—-Attachment
Which one is a layer 3(Network Layer) protocol?-IP
Which of the following is spreadsheet software?-MS Excel
In data communication which device converts digital data to analog signal?-Modem
"Freeze Windows Panes" is an Excel command which helps in:-Password protection
Which of the following extensions is used for picture files stored in the computer?-jpg
Which of the following is not computer language?-Medium level language
Which one of the following programming language is not a high level language?-Oracle
If a computer on the network shares resources for otheers to use , it is called---Server
Access time is---seek time + latency time
To add two cell (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula---= A1 + A2
Which of the following is temporal memory?-RAM
Which is an essential component of a LAN?-NIC
The acronym POST refers to what?-Power-On Self Test
INTI extension refers usually to what kind of file?-System file
Access time is made up of—-a, b and c
A hard disk has the storage capacity of 80GB. It can store a total of—-80 × 2^30 bytes information
Which file extension indicate only graphics files?-BMP: and GIF
Which is not computer network?-WWW
Latency time is---Time to spin the needed data under head
Which of the following is not a primary storage device?-None of above
A RAM chip is labeled as ‘2Mx16’. What is the word-size of the RAM?-8 Bits
In simplex transmission----data can travel in only one direction at all times
Tape speed is measured in---Inch per second
In computer terms, what does 'cncryption of data' mean?-Data is encoded so it cannot be read without decoding software
A varsity campus has hundreds of computers and they are interconnected using Windows Operating System. What type of the network is it?-CAN
Which operation is not performed by computer?-Understanding
The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is?-8-bit EBCDIC
If you format adisk then---everything will be lost
Which of the following is the first genegation of computer?-EDSAC
Which of the following components will hold a charge even through power had been removed? Choose one:-Capacitors
A complete microcomputer system consists of---all of A, B and C
In general, which letter is considered for Hadr Disk Drive?-C
Software that the computer uses to start, or 'boot' is found where?-Basic In-Out System
A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as---Address bus
UPS stand for—-Uninterruptible Power Supply
What is the max cable length of STP?-200 ft
Which of the following is not an operating system?-ORACLE
Records on magnetic tape are often grouped into -- in order to enhance reading/writing?-tracks
A computer connected with server is called---Work station
Instruction in computer languages consists of---Both of the above
What is the permanent memory storage of a computer?-ROM
Voip extension refers to:-Voice Over Internet Protocol
What is a URL?-The address of a page on the World Wide Web
A compiler is a translating program which---All of above
What voltage should we measure on the yellow wiers coming from the power supply in a personal computer?-+12 volts
Which of the following voltages is NOT normally present at the output of a personal computer power supply?-120 V
Which menu includes the command ‘find’?-Edit
What is the central device in star topology?-Hub/switch
Which of the following indicates the code top level domain of Bangladesh?
Which of the following is most likely to protect a personal computer system during an electrical strom?-Totally disconnect all cables and power cords
Which one is a Utility Software?-McAfee
What is the meaning of CC used in a mail?-Carbon Copy
1 byte is equal to---8 bits
Which of the following application is used for calculation?-Microsoft Excel
RAM stands for-Random Access Memory
What does the term SCSI stands for---Small Computer System Interface
A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is----Multiprogramming
Firmware is builtusing---ROM
If a power supply has "watts capacity" rating of 200, what does this means?-The power supply can provide up to 200 watts
The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal and OCR reader is the:-POS terminal
IBM 1401 is---Second Generation Computer
Bluetooth operations use---radio technology
IOS stands for---International Standard Organization
Suppose cells A5 and B5 contains the values 30000 and 100, respectively. In cell C5, if we apply the formula = IF (A5< >20000, B5 *10%, B5 *20%), what will be the result in C5?-10
The IP address belongs to which of the following class?-Class B
Elaboration of VIRUS is---Vital Information Resource Under Seize
A user of the Internet called---Netizen
What is the other name for a chip?-IC
Terminators are used in --- topology.-Bus
What is E-mail?-Electronic mail
Which country is the inventor of internet?-USA
Which one is an application package?-LOTUS
Who is the inventor of computer?-Charles Babbage
Which of the following is problem oriented language?-High level language
What kind of secondary storage is provided by magnetic disks?-slow speed, high capacity
Windows Vista is—-An operating system of Microsoft
What is the best way to protect your hard drive data?-Regular backups
Artificial Intelligence is associated with Which generation?-Fifth Generation
Which one works as an output and input device?-Modem
Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?-Machine language
Which MS-DOS files are concerned with viruses?-MSAV, VSAFE and MWAV
Data transfer rate of a Dial-up Modem measured in—-Kbps
The farad is the basic unit of measurement for:-Capacitors
A computer programer---Does all the thinking for a computer
Using the F11 shortcut key to create a chart on chart sheet creates---A 2-dimensional column chart
Machine language is---All of above
Which of the following represents examples of an IT input device, output device and storage device respectively?-Keyboard, monitor, hard disc
The character 'E' in the word 'E-mail' stands for?-Electronic
Which was the first world's first minicomputer and when was it introduced?-DPD-I, 1958
Data and instructions waiting to be processed and the resulting output are stored in--Memory
Which one is the database software?-MS Excel
Pen drive takes the place of---Floppy Disk
CD-ROM stands for---Compact Disk Read Only Memory
‘CD’ computer abbreviation usually means—-Compact Disk
An input/output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is---Terminal
Which is not an output device of the following?-Mouse
SPSS stands for what?-Statistical Package for the Social Science
The first time to mass market a microcomputer as a personal computer was---Data General Corporation
A characteristic of card system is:-All of the above
While inserting a diskette into the diskette drive of a PC, the diskette's label side should face---Up
Which of the following file organization is most efficient for a file with high degree of file activity?-Sequential
Which utility program could improve the speed of disk?-Defragmentation
Which one is a database software?-ORACLE
What does LED stand for?-Light emitting diode
In MS-Word application package, you can produce same letter for different persons by using-----Mail merge
Number of bits in a byte is---8
Which one is not an extension of compressed file?-.bin
Physical components of a computer are called---Hardware
Which of the following does not provide surge protection?-A standby power supply(SPS)
A hard drive should not be---formatted before removing from the computer
RAM in computer stands for-Random Access Memory
Which one of the following is not an application software?-Java
Which one of the following is the fastest data transmission media?-Fiber optic cable
The hexadecimal number 9 is equivalent to---decimal 9
(111111110)2 = (?)10-510
Which of the following does not affect the resolation of a video display image?-Screen size
In MS-Excel, the summation of the cells D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 equates---= SUM (D1 : D5)
Graphics for word processor---Clip art
Each model of a computer has a unique---Machine language
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a field replaceable unit(FRU)?-Power supply regulator
Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on---All of above
Control Unite-----directs the movement of electrical signals
Which of the following memories needs refreshing?-DRAM
Supercomputers are those which:-Can perform billions of calculations per second
An application suitable for sequential processing is---Both a and b
What is an icon?-Pictorial representation of an operation
What kind of package program is MS Access?-Database
Which of the following is a software for bangla typing and composing?-Bijoy
RAM stands for—-Random Access Memory
Which of the following is not an anti-virus software?-Win-pro
The ‘add or remove program’ utility can be found in:-Control panel
Which one is not a picture file extension?-.gps
One Megabyte is equal to:-10^6 bytes
Second generation computers were developed during---1956 to 1965
A name or number used to identify a storage location device?-An address
Which of the following is an operating system?-Unix
Which protocol is used for the internet access?-TCP/IP
You can create only a horizontal page break by first selecting---a and c both
MSI stands for---Medium Scale Integration
In a computer program the process of executing the same instructions over and over is called?-Looping
The type of scanner used in banking industry is—-MICR
Bandwidth means---bit per second
Maximum number of rows in an excel sheet are—-65536
What is meant by LAN?-Local Area Network
‘MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?-Animation/movie file
The resolution of a printer is measured in—-Dots per inch(DPI)
The general term for buying and selling through the internet is—-E-commerce
Which of the following is the save button in computer key board?-F12
The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as:-Debugging
Which one is an output device?-Monitor
A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as---Pulse code modulation
What does the disk drive of a computer do?-Both b and c
The "add or remove programs" utility can be found in---Control Panel
Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be----Formatted
Chips are made up of millions of tiny parts/switches known as—-Transistors
Common keyboard arrangement is called?-QWERTY
Which of the following magazines covers only the IBM PC and its compatibles?-PC magazine
The type of internet connection might be compared to a regular telephone call, in terms of its duration:-Dial up
Which one is a graphics software?-Adobe Photoshop
Which one is astorage device?-floppy disk
What is the meaning of e-mail?-electronic mail
Which memory device has highest speed of access?-Cache
VOIP means?-Voice Over Internet Protocol
Flash memory is----Non-volatile
Which of the following estensions is used for picture files stored in computer?-.jpg
What function does F1 stand for in most computers?-Help
Disk De-fragmentation is used to—-Rearrange files in a disk
Of the following which one is not a computer language?-MS-DOS
The --- portion of LAN management software restricts access, records user activities and audit data etc.-Security management
The OSI model has---7 Layers
WINDOWS is a (an):-Operating system
Analog computer works on the supply of ---Continuous electrical pules
Which statement is valid sbout computer program?-All of the above
What is the function of RAM in computer?-Storing data temporarily
You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to---All
Which is the fastest computer?-Super computer
ATM stands for---Automated Teller Machine
Which of the following cards used in POS terminal in order to pay for purchasing goods?-Debit Card and Credit Card
A CD-ROM drive is labeled with 52X, here 52X is a measurement of--Data transfer rate
Suppose the value of cell E5 in MS-Excel sheet is 3500. If we apply the formula = IF (E5 <20000, E5* 10%, ES *20%), what will be the result?-350
How many bite is a byte?-8
MS EXCEL is a---Spreadsheet software
Bar codes are most common in---supermarkets
MPEG extension refers to:-Video file
Which one is a font file extension?-.ttf
Which type of ROM is used in pen drive?-EEP ROM
Which one is not the word processing software?-MS Excel
A standalone program that has been modified to work on a LAN by including concurrency controls such as file and record locking is an example of---LAN intrinsic software
Which of the following are considered to be video component?-All of the above
The file extension EXE generally refers to what kind of file?-Executable file
The most frequently used instructions are kept in the---Cache memory
The volatile memory of the computer is known as:-RAM
Which types of interface allow connect, control musical instruments to computer?-MIDI
In Ms Power Point, shortcut for creating a new slide is:-Ctrl + M
How many keys are available in the Numerical key pad of a standard key-board?-17
Which one is not a graphic software?-Access
Which of the following should be used to clean the external plastic cabinets of computers and their peripherals?-Damp cloth with a mild detergent
The three colors of the pixel of color monitors are—-Red, green and blue
In MS Word, pressing CTRL + S will result in:-Saving the document
Laser printers are known as---page printers
One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is----DASD
Which software is more useful in preparing a report with statistical and accounting analysis?-Excel
BIOS is a—-Software
The two basic types of record-access methods are---Sequential and random
What is the fastest method to create a bootable disk?-Enter SYS A: with a previously formatted disk in dtive A:
Which of the following is the smallest power interruption that can cause memory errors or cause the computer to lock up?-1/200 second
Which must do the return compressed files to their original state---Extract
When you start your computer then which component works first?-BIOS
EEPORM stands for---Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make corrections as necessary---Word processor
What does HTML stands for?-Hyper Text Markup Language
Which of the following is associated with error detector?-Both of the above
Which one is not a word processing software?-MS Excel
PCMCIA represents a standard for---Notebook
In general, which letter is considered for Hadr Disk Drive?-C
What is the name given to the sequence of steps which a computer follows:-Algorithms
The Command FORMAT A:/S will not---store the existing data on the diskette in drive A before formatting
The first internet based news agency of Bangladesh is--BD News
Central processing unit is combination of---Arithmetic logic and control unit
In a punched card system, data is processed by a---Accounting machine, Keypunch machine and sorter
What is the unit of measurement for drive access time?-Seconds
The computer size was very large in---First Generation
Which one is not an internet search engine?-Alta Vista
The advantage of using a spreadsheet is---All of the above
The computer store its program in its---Memory
In the third generation of computers:-On-line, real time systems first become popular
The personnel who deals with the computer and its mamagement put togather are called----Human ware
High level language is also called---All of above
Another word for the CPU is—-Microprocessor
Which of the following would most likely result in the mouse pointer NOT being displayed when you switch from DOS applications to Windows applications?-Wrong mouse driver in the SYSTEM.INI file
The language that the computer can understand and execute is called---Machine language
Which will be the most suitable computer program that you can use to prepare your bio-data?-MS Word
Different compnents on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are liked together by sets or parallel electrical conducting lines. What are thes lines called?-Buses
Which of the following is an open source operating system?-UBUNTU
Of the following, which one is hardware?-System unit
To cunnect two Ethernet LAN segaments with different Network IDs, what type of device is required?-Router
POST means----None of the above
Magnetic disks are most popular medium for---Both of the above
Which of the following components has the highest failure risk?-RAM
All computers must have—-An operating system
Pixel of a color monitor consists of 3 color dots. The colors are—-Red, green, blue
The computer stores its program and data in its---memory
The octal equivalentof 111010 is---72
Which computer memory is never erased?-ROM
The brain of a computer is---Microprocessor
Which one is not the graphics software?-Access
EBCDIC stands for---Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
Every web page has a unique address called.-uniform resource locator
RAM is---Volatile
The size of a sector in hard disk is----512 bytes
E-Commerce stands for---Electronic Commerce
WAN stands for---Wide Area Network
Scanner is a (an)----input device
Computer memory is normally measured in:-Gigabytes
"Microsoft Outlook" is a software design to function as:-An Internet Explorer
In a flowchart, a diamond generally stands for----Decision
Computer network starts at---1969
How many bits make a byte?-2 to 8
ALU is---Arithmetic Logic Unit
A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of---Accuracy
In order to access the World Wide Web you need—-An internet connection, internet service provider and browser software
Which of the following is not anti-virus software?-Win-pro

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