Basic Information of Daily Science Inventions and

Who among the the following is associated with the invention of computers?-Babbage
What is the correct increasing order of abundance of the main components of air?-argon, nitrogen and oxygen
ডুবোজাহাজে কোন যন্ত্রের সাহায্যে পানির নিচ থেকে উপরের দৃশ্য দেখা যায়?-পেরিস্কোপ
Dry sand appears bright while wet sand appears dark because of---reflection
Which of the following is not a gas?-Mercury
Choose the correct combination---Evolution : Darwin
Light year is related to---Distance
SMS available in mobile phone stands for---Short Message Service
Which one of the following serves as host tree for silkworm to produce good silk?-mulberry
A universal doner is a person having blood group of---O+
What is the acceptable safe limit of Arsenic per liter of water?-0.01 mg
Who discoverd Oxygen in 1774?-Joseph Priestly
Joule is the unit of---Energy
One liter of water is equivalent to how many kilograms?-0.90 kg
What is the name of Europe's first spacecraft to the moon that recently finished its three year mission?-SMART-1
Which one of the following is an air-pollutant present in the atmosphere?-carbon monoxide
Coal is formed from---organic matter
Which gas is present under pressure in soft drinks?-Carbon Di-oxide
Which of the following is necessary for a substance to burn?-oxygen
Who proposed the chemical evolution of life?-Oparin
Which of the following is not a metal?-Boron
দিন-রাত্রি সমান থাকে কোন তারিখে?-২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ও ২১ মার্চ
A barometer is used for measuring---atmospheric pressure
What is wuinine used for?-Curing malaria
Eskimos hunt using a dog-driven vehicle called:-Sledge
Which of the following compounds are responsible for acid rain?-nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide
Dry ice is---solid carbon dioxide
Who discovered circulation of blood in human body?-William Harvey
In tritinum, electrons, protons and neutrons are present in the ratio of---1 : 1 : 2
Which of the following is a unit of pressure?-Pascal
Hepatitis C increases the risk of---Liver Cancer
Stainless steel is an alloy of iron and---nickel, manganese and chromium
Which planet is nearest to the Sun?-Mercury
Nameplates made of brass get discolured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in the air?-Hydrogen sulphide
Every molecule of water contains-- Oxygen and --Hydrogen.-1, 2
How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?-981
Who among following invented the steam engine?-James Watt
Which one of the completed the 100th anniversary of its discovery in 1995?-X-rays
The hardness of the bone tissue is due to the phosphates and carbonates of which of the following pairs of elements?-magnesium and sodium
The tendency of a liquid drop to assume spherical shape is due to---surface tension
Which one of the following has the shortest wave length?-Gamma-ray
Bile is secreted by the----Liver
How many legs do butterflies have?-10
Which one of the following crops requires continuous semi-aquatic condition for cultivation?-rice
Blaze Pascal is associated with----Calculating Machine
Which one of the following gases is predominant in the atmosphere?-Nitrogen
What is the name given to the respiratory holes on the surface of a leaf?-stomata
Mark the wrong combination---J. Perkins : Penicillin
The scientist who first discovered that the earth rrevolves round the sun was---Copernicus
Which of the following is not a part of the human eye?-Radius
Robert Koch worked on---Tuberculosis
A citrus fruit means that the fruit is rich in---Vitamin C
Which of the following is the mde of propagation of heat from the sun to the earth?-radiation alone
What are the main constituents of biogas?-methane and carbon-dioxide
Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?-biomass
By what name is water which contains soluble salts of calcium and magnesium known?-hard water
The Sun is a---Star
Which one of the following gases is not a greenhouse gas?-nitrous oxide
Which disease appeared as a threat to our poultry sector in recent years?-Avian Influenza
What is the name given to molten rocks that are erupted by a volcano?-lava
Which planet has recently been the target of a lot of controversy?-Pluto
How many tentacles does an Octopus have?-8
Which human gland does secret growth hormone?-Pituitary Gland
A nuclear reactor is a device to produce nuclear energy with the help of----controlled chain reaction
The use of Internet began in:-1969
The shape of the earth is---spherical
What is known as the universal solvent?-Water
Ecology deals with----Relation between Organisms and their environment
Which one of these planets is nearest to the earth?-Venus
The name of the strand of virus, known as 'swine flu' virus, that has been declares as a pandemic worldwide is:-H1N1
Which organization of UNO declared prohibition on Clone human chiled?-WHO
Fish preathe through---gills
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by-Virus
On burning charcoal which of the following gases is produced?-carbon dioxide
Meteorology is the science of---Weather
Starch is a mixture of---carbohydrates
Every atom of Carbon di-oxide contains -- Oxygen and --- Carbon.-2, 1
The blood group which is univershal recipient is---AB+
Which one of the following metals reacts very rapidly with water at room temperature?-calcium
The Richter scale is used for measuring----Earthquake
What is there in the North Polar region?-Arctic Ocean
Which of the following acids is most important in building tissue proteins?-amino
Which food stuff turns blue-black when brought in contact with iodine?-Starch
While functioning what is the temperature level inside a refrigerator?-400°
Centigrade & Farenheit scales give same reading at----40°
Which one of the following contributes largely to the green-house gas effect?-carbon dioxide
The credit of inventing the television goes to-----Baird
Study of earthquakes is known as---Seismology
Which of the following is the working principle of a washing machine?-centrifugation
In which organ of the body insulin produced?-Pancreas
Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?-red
The Lunar Eclipse occurs when?-The Earth lies between the Sun and the Moon
Which one of the following substances undergoes chemical change on heating?-lead nitrate
What is the name given to the green pigment in plants?-chlorophyll
One of the following metals, which one pollutes the air of a busy city?-lead
Which one of the following metals does not react even with boiliing water?-beryllium
A Biologist specializing in the study of insects is called----an entomologist
Deficiency of ---- causes Goiter---Iodine
Who invented the ball point pen?-Waterman
Which of the following helps keep body cool?-Perspiration
To glavanise iron, iron is coated with which of the followiing?-zinc
The response of plants to light is known as---Phototropism
The unit of current is---Ampere
What is the difference between Bangladesh Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time?-6 hours
Anopheles mosquito causes which of the following deases?-Malaria
The universal blood group donor is---O+
Which of the following pairs is incorrect?-Faraday : Diffusion of gases
The center of the earth is known as the---core
What type of iron is obtained from blast furnace?-cast iron
How many days are in a leap year?-366
What does Angstrom measure?-length of light waves
Nitrogen constitutes nearly- % of the atmosphere.-79
Which of the following sulphur compound is used as a bleaching agent in textile industry?-sulphur dioxide
Which one of the following forms an irreversible complex with hemoglobin of the blood?-carbon monooxide
What is the name of earth's moon?-Luna
The surface of the earth is mainly covered with---oceans
Which of the following is the only liquid metal?-Mercury
The velocity of light was measured by---Romer
The unit of energy in MKS system is---Joule
Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose is famous for his contribution in the field of---Biology
Entomology is the science that studies---Insects
Solar Energy is a---renewable source of energy
Which planet is known as the red planet?-Mars
Anatomy is the branch of science which deals with---Structure of animals and plants
Main cause of night blindness is deficiency of Vitamin----A
What causes an eclips of the sun?-when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun
Which of the following is a computer operating system?-Unix
Which is not a renewable resource of energy?-petroleum
Who developed the small pox vaccination?-Eduard Jenner
How many Ergs are there 1 Joule?-10^7
What is the normal temperature of human body?-98.4° F
Which of the following is a main component of comon glass?-sand
Which of the following carries malaria?-Mosquitoes
Which one of the following is not a noble gas?-hydrogen
When we breathe which of the following gases do we use?-oxygen
Wright Brothers are regarded inventors of the-----Aeroplane
Quinine is obtained from the bark of which tree?-Cinchona
Which of the following statements is true?-temperature decreases with increase in altitude
Who invented the miner's safety-lamp?-Sir Frank Whittle
Study of life in outer space is known as---Exobiology
Which of the following is the most toxic gas?-carbon monoxide
The largest solar power plant in the world is in---USA
The length of the days and nights is equal at the---equator
Which among the following is a natural polymer?-rubber
Which one is a renewable energy source?-Wind
The freezing point in Farenheit thermometer is:-32° Farenheit
টলেমি কি ছিলেন?-জ্যোতির্বিদ
The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to---Jonas Salk
Which one of the following is used for bleaching purposes?-chlorine
Which one of the following nitrogenous fertilizers is not very effective in acidic soils?-urea
What is the scientific name of Vitamin C?-Ascorbic Acid
The earth rotates from----west to east
Heating element of an electric heater is made up of---Nichrome
Which of the following is a device for storing electric charge?-capacitor
The lower, dense region of the atmosphere is known as---troposphere
With which device are earthquakes recorded?-Seismograph
The shortest day is in the month of---December
Wher is the headquarters of the UN Security council located at?-New York
How many colors the sunlight spectrum has?-seven
Which one of the following is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer?-chloroflurocarbons
Oncology is the study of---Cancer
Who among the following evolved the concept of relationship between mass and energy?-Einstein
Which instrument is used to measure pressure?-Manometer
Where is the sea of Tranquility?-On the moon
Among the following which is the purest form of iron?-wrought iron
Which of the following is not a constituent of the atmosphere?-aluminium
Which of these is not a planet in the Solar System?-Pluto
Which of the following is the main source of energy of the sun?-nuclear fusion
Which of the following can be used both as an oxidizing agent and as a reducing agent?-sodium nitrate
Removal of the top layer of soil/rocks by wind, water is known as---erosion
Marble is a changed form of which of the following?-limestone
Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865?-Joseph Lister
Hygrometer is used to measure---relative humidity
What do scientists beleve global warming is caused by?-Human activity
Who wrote the book "The Origin of Species"?-Charles Darwin
Which of the following is not a component of oral saline?-Milk
The household line voltage(in volt) is approximately---220
Which gas in the atmosphere saves us from the UV rays of the sun?-ozone
Farmers can keep their soil fertile by---Crop rotation
The atom is made of----Positrons, Neutrons and Electrons
What are elements containing the same number of protons but different number of neutrons called?-isotopes
বস্তুর ওজন সবচেয়ে বেশি---মেরু অঞ্চলে
The telephone was invented by----Alexander Graham Bell
Which Vitamin do we get from sun ray?-vitamin D
What invention bought Alfred Nobel fame and fortune?-Dynamite
The first attempt in printing was made in England by---William Caxton
Which of the following are known as "aves"?-Birds
Which is the largest planet in the solar system?-Jupiter
Decible is unit of---Sound
Air is----A Mixture
In Y2K, K stands for---Thousand
The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause----rise in earth temperature
The three methods of science are observation, experimentation and ----.-measurement
Who invented the doctor's thermometer?-Farenheit
"To every action there is an equal and oposite reaction"-- this theory has been given by---Newton
Myopia is connected with---eyes
Which of the following compound is used in the manufacturing of baking powder?-sodium carbonate
The name of the device used in measuring earthquake is---Seismograph
Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?-sugarcane
Natural hot water springs occuring in New Zealand, Italy and Iceland are known as---geysers
Which is the longest day in the year?-21 June
Who invented typewriter?-Sholes
A space that contains no air or any gas is known as---vavuum
Dimond and graphite are similar in----atomic weight
On which principle does the tape recorder function?-electromagnetic induction
Who discovered Uranus?-Herschel
Albert Eainstein was born in which country?-Germany
What are metal bearing rocks called?-ores
For which of the following purposes is a transformer used?-conversion of low voltage into high voltage and vice versa
Which of the following is a parasite?-Ringworm
Alexander Fleming discovered---Penicillin
Ozone depletion is caused by-----Chloroflurocarbon
Omithology is the----Study of Birds
Which of the following is not a radio active metrial?-sodium
Numismatics is the study of---Coins
What is the total number of bones in the human body?-206
Eugenics is the study of----Alteringhumans beings by changing their genetic components
Which of the following has an organic origin?-coal
ই-মেইল কি?-ইলেক্ট্রনিক-মেইল
The Chernobyl nuclear accident took place in---1986
Enzymes and anti-bodies are mainly made of----Proteins
Cooking oil is converted into vegetable ghee through which process?-hydrogenation
The virus of Swine Flu is named as---H1N1

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