Idioms and Phrases

"A sitting duck" is --an easy target
Don't ---- the poor people.-look down upon
'On the sly' means----secretly
' Kith and kin ' means --blood relation
" Blue blood " means --aristrocratic birth
"Out and Out" means --Thoroughly
A fall guy is --a scapegoat
Sinners will suffer---in the long run
The phrase 'functus officio' means-functional authority
It is too difficult to tolerate bad temper for long. Which of the following phrases does best replace 'tolerate' in the above sentence ?-Put up with
We had to "put up with" the inconvenience.-endure
' A dark horse ' means-A man who does not talk much but surprises other by his qualities.
His poor health is the main road block to his promotion. Here "road block" means --obstacle
'By fit and starts' means --irregularly
He looks very tought ,but he is a nice man -----at bottom
Do come and visit us the next time you're in Dhaka. The following words may be replaced by --Show up
'Fag and' means--The last part
To take on to task----rebuke
'All at once' means---suddenly
He succeeded in life ---- his talents.-by virtue of
'Take one to task' means---rebuke
'Rise up to the occasion' means ----to try hard to do the task
' With flying colours ' means --victoriously
At last the beast in him got ---- upper hand.-the
' Tooth and nail ' means --strongly
To blaze trail-None of these
He is guided by curtain lectures . here lectures given by ----wife
He kept saying he did not do it but "in the end" he said he had done it.-finally
What does 'Abode of god' means?-Heaven
What do you mean by the phrase 'sit on the fence'?-remain neutral in a dispute
We supported Bangladesh -------?-whole heartedly
The price of daily necessaries increases by ----- ?-leaps and bounds
Choose the best retains the meaning of the quoted word in the given sentence. What is the "rationale" behind the decision.-logic
The bad news struck him like a bolt from the ---- ?-blue
'At the eleventh hour' means --At the last moment
The good old days have gone ----?-never to return
Rana decided to pursue his career in developmental field ' in lieu of ' sitting in his father's business.-instead of
What is the word of the proverb - 'Handsome is that handsome ----'-does
The thief was caught red-handed . Here 'red - handed' means---with proof
The expression a slow coach means --a dull fellow
In black and white - এর অর্থ কি ?-কাগজে - কলমে
The meaning 'peart of wisdom' is-wise remark
To understand it, read ---- the lines. Fill in the gap with the right preposition.-between
They stole the car just --- it. Fill the blank with suitable phrase.-for the hell of
'A bolt from the blue' means----an unexpected calamity
'He was in a reverie' means --He was dreaming
The murder was carried out in --cold blood
I cannot understand your dog in the manger policy . This policy is----stopping others enjoying sth
Identify the incorrect word/phrase indicated by quote in the following sentence. "Most" babies will grow "up" to be as "cleverer" as their "parents."-cleverer
'John , if your mother catches you playing in the filty mud like that you'll realy be in hot water'. The means that if John's mother catches him he will --be in serious trouble
Choose the best end for the sentence : You will know the Truth --in good time
'Hard up' means-with insufficient money
The idiom 'let things slide' means-Ignore
'Be that as it may' means---however
'Out and out ' means --absolute
Fill in the blank with the appropriate idiom and phrase: I know nothing about the language, it is all ----- to me.-Greek
'Back up' means--support
'Ins and outs' means---In details
Choose the correct sentence :-Quote this poem from memory
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom : Mowlana abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani 'done yeoman's service' to the country .-Render a valuable service.
Jharna has a habit of ---- without coming to the actual point at once.-beating about the bush
'A cock and bull story' means ----A false story
The idiom 'Nip in the bud' এর অর্থ --Destroy at the very beginning
She never stops talking about herself and is 'full of herself'.-is very conceited
By and large . means --Mostly
Don't spend your salary ---in advance
Robin has a habit of --- without coming the actual point at once.-beating about the bush
Identify the incorrect word/phrase indicated by quote in the following sentence. The "firing" of bricks and tiles "for use" in the "build" industry requires large "amounts" of fuel.-build
The idiom "between the devil and the deep sea" means --difficult situation
I had many friends in my ---. fill the gap with correct idiom .-palmy days
Tokyo and Washington are still 'at logger- heads'.here 'at logger- heads' means-in strong disagreement
Choose the best end for the sentence : Every time he lights a cigarette , I tell him it's another --- ?-nail in his coffin
'The pros and cons ' - phrase টির অর্থ কি ?-Good and evil
My wife's pin money has saved me from any creditor. The phrase means --sundry expenses
The correct meaning 'a man of letters ' is----a scholar
Select the following word/phrase in meaning : As this is his first job he will have to ' put up with ' the inconvenicence.-endure
A dark horse , means --an unknown person
" One in a blue moon " means --Very rarely
'Apple of one's eye ' means --Extremely favourite
' Cut and dry ' means --already decided
A 'red letter day' means --A memorable day
' To play on a fiddle ' means --To waste time
The correct meaning of 'a man of letter' is---A scholar
No one knew what to say, but at last I "broke the ice".-to start a conversation
I would 'give my right arm' if I could get tickets for that concert.-do absolutely anything
The phrase 'Tide over' means --overcome
' An early bird ' means --an early riser
Put appropriate preposition for the sentence below : Some writers sink ---- oblivion in course of time.-into
'Get rid of ' means--to be free from
When a person is in 'deep water' she/he is ----?-in trouble
The sinners shall suffer --- ?-in the long run
'Hold water' means---bear examination
Foster Father এর অর্থ কি ?-পালক পিতা
What is the meaning of 'white elephant' ?-A very costly or troublesome possession ( অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল বা সমস্যাসঙ্কুল বস্তু )
'Loaves and fishes' phrase টির অর্থ হলো --Personal gains
'Eat one's word' means---apologize
What is the meaning of 'hang about' ?-Loiter about
Lutfa goes on helping everyone without saving anything for the rainy day . Here the rainy day indicates --a difficult day
In meaning, the sentences are of --- kinds.-3
----- your shoes before entering a shrine-put off
The correct proverb is --Silence is golden
The lights have been blown --- by the strong wind.-out
What is the meaning of the expression 'bottom line'?-the essential point
----- his merit he was given a prize.-In view of
'A bolt from the blue ' means --an unexpected calamity
Get --- bad company-rid of
Aslam left Dhaka ---for good
Sit down and make yourself----at home
'At one go ' means --in one single attempt
While living in poverty, the poet had to ---- a great deal of sufferings.-put up with
The meaning of the idiom 'at large' is----freely
Birds fly --- in the sky.-at large
'To see eye to eye with' idom টির সঠিক অর্থ ---To agree
"to hit the roof"-to be very angry
Idiom 'a bed of roses' means --comfortable
The following idiom is followed by some alternative. Choose the one that best expresses its meaning : To end in smoke ----?-To come to nothing
'Cupboard love ' is --show of affection
The correct meaning of the idiom 'over and over again' is---repeatedly
By the rule of thumb means ---By practical experience which is rather rough
'Dead and buried' means-complete stop
Find out the correct answer.-A drowning man catches at a straw
'In a body' means --together
The phrase 'An apple of discord ' means --An object of quarrel
'Riding for a fall' means--To act recklessly
'Cock and bull story' means --a false story
The supervisor showed great enthusiasm and asppreciation ' contrary to ' what the labors had expected .-opposition
To put the cart before the horse ----- ?-to reverse the natural order of things
'To carry coals to Newcastle' means --to take things where they are already plentiful
It is an -- that he takes bribe.-open secret
The phrase 'an apple of discord' means---an object of quarrel
'Cock and bull story' means---a false story
What is the meaning of the idiom ' a round dozen ' ?-A full dozen
The phrase 'over head and ears' means---deeply
Choose the correct meaning : He raised his eyebrow at my explanation.-Show surprise or disapproval
I want to settle this issue---once for all
The weight was too much and the pillar gave way. Here 'gave way ' indicates --was broken
We should a void 'burning the candle at both ends' , otherwise it will make us suffer. The following portion indicates ---wasting
A 'bull market' means that share prices are ---rising
The brevity is the soul of ----wit
I heard a ----hue and cry
man like Rabindranath and Nazrul were --- .put the best-salt of the earth
'Cry wolf ' means --give a false alarm
'Read between the lines' means ---- ?-read critically
She cut and sad figure in her first performance of the stage.-cut a sorry figure
The expression 'rarely' can replaced by the idiom.-once in a blue moon
I was very offended by his --- attitude.-cut and dried
Have a go---make an attempt
'Maiden speech' means ---?-First speech
'High and mighty' means----arrogant
He comes to me from ---- ?-time to time
Who can shed 'crocodile tears ' ?-Heartless men and women
I saw --- beggar-a one - eyed
How many parts are there in a sentence ?-2
Black ship - এর অর্থ কি ?-কুলাঙ্গার (wicked man)
There are ---- dangerous drivers.-a lot of
The manager 'looked into' the matter.-Investigate
Fill in the gap : 'Learn the poem-heart.'-by
'Ball to the wall' means----in full force
You should try to 'make good' your loss . The phrase means --compensation
Mens Lagis means -----purpose of a law
'Beyond all questions' means-without doubtt
Which of the following is a correct proverb?-fools rush in where angles fear to tread
With this I 'm sure the train ' will be late ', Which expression may replace the following phrase ?-is bound to late
To 'raise one's brow' indicate.-surprise
Fill in the blanks with the right option : Get ---- bad company.-rid of
'Capital punishment' means---death penalty
The correct meaning of ' a man of letter ' is ---A scholar
A 'bull market' means that sharing prices are----rising
The ambassador was bombared with questions' means --The ambassador was asked too many unpleasent questions
At last the enemy ---gave in
'A stone's throw ' means-at a short distance
The pharse 'loaves and fishes' means---personal gains
'A women's work is never done' means --A womain's work keeps piling up
The prices are going up by "leaps and bounds".-rapidly
What is the meaning of the idiom "a round dozen" ?-a full dozon
It is an -- that he takes bribe.-open secret
Mr. Alam's face lit up like the sun. This sentence means that Mr. Alam was --happy
Which of the best sentence by 'Bag and Baggage'?-He leaves the place bag and baggage
According formation, the sentences are classified into ----3
She takes after her mother . 'Take after ' means-resemble
'At the eleventh hour' means---at the last moment
'Keep your pecker up'. The meaning of the idiom is----মনোবল অটুট রাখো
He "threw cold water over" the project that the secretary had prepared.-discouraged
As he was undecided, he let the grass grow under his feet.-Loitered around
What is the meaning of the phrase 'flunk out'?-to leave school
What is the meaning of 'out of the wood'?-free from difficulties
'Look over ' means --examine closely
The proverb ' A snake in the grass ' means --A hidden enemy
To build castle in the air is----to be a day dreamer
Which is the best sentence by 'Bag and Baggage' ?-He leaves the place bag and baggage.
The Khondokars are very proud of their "blue blood".-aristocracy
Explain the meaning of 'Bring to pass'.-Cause to happen ( কোন কিছু ঘটা )
'cut and dried' means-cannot be changed
'Jim worked against the clock to get the homework finished before 10 p.m.'. Here the underlined words express.-workrd fast because he only had limited time
'Pros and cons ' means --All
'Milk and water ' এর অর্থ কি ?-Lifeless dull
In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in hammess.-die while still working
Nazma was in seventh heaven when she heard about her son's result. Here seventh heaven refers to --in a state of supreme happiness
Black sheep-----an unworthy person
Bag and Baggage means --Leaving nothing behind
I met him after a long time,but he gave me the cold shoulder.-ignored me
'Out and out' means---thoroughly
'to nurse a grudge'-to bear ill will
'A foregone conclusion' means --an anticipated result
To have full hands ----. phrase টির অর্থ কি ?-To be fully occupied
'Today he is in high spirits'. - 'in high spirits' idiom টির অর্থ কি ?-Joyful
'Odds and ends' means-small things
The U.N.O is the forlorn hope for world peace . 'Forlorn hope' means ----desperate enterprise
'Beyond reform' means --Incorrigible
Only those who are not serious to their success work by ---- and stars.-fits
'Bad blood' means---animosity
Choose the best retains the meaning of the quoted word in the given sentence. The President's "compassion" for the refugees caused him to admit a very large number of them.-pity
'Let us call it a day ' means --let us stop
Because of inclement weather, the meeting has been "deferred" till next Monday.-put off
In cold blood কি ?-ঠাণ্ডা মাথা
Root and branch - এর অর্থ হচ্ছে ----completely
'To read between the lines' means --To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
The idiom 'Bring to book ' এর অর্থ --Rebuke
Which one is the correct phrase to fill in the gap ? He refused --- to help me.-point blank
All my --- left me .-kith and kin
'Rise up to the occasion' means---.-To try hard to do the task
' Capital punishment ' means --death penalty
The jurist went on arguing "nonetheles".-in spite of everything
Blue chips are -----Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
Fill in the gaps with appropriate idiom phrase : I know nothing about the language , it is all --- to me .-Greek
"With open arms" means --warmly
'Right and left ' means --indiscriminately
'Jack of the trades' means-who can do everything but not specialized
I prefer to talk to people 'face to face' rather than to talk on the phone.-in person
Choose the correct words . Mrs. Alom was --- a great woman-through and through
He is "up to his ears" in work and cannot possibly see you now.-fully occupied with
At last the enemy ---gave in
Kith and kin এর অর্থ কি ?-আত্মীয় স্বজন ( family & friends )
The tree has been blown --- by the storm.-away
'All and sundry' is the meaning of----all without exceptions
'All at once ' means --Suddenly
Head and Ears :-Complete
'At daggers drawn' means --on the point of fighting
The birds and the bees means --The basic facts about sex
There are trees the road . Replace the bank eith right idiom?-all along
Ambition is ---- of his life .-part and parcel
Fill in the blank with the right option : He tried ---- to win a prize-heart and soul
' To be partial to something ' means to --like it
What do you mean by the phrase 'Sit on the fence ' ?-remain neutral in a dispute
The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern technology. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to the italicized idiom above ?-Opened a new chapter
To keep one's head ---- ?-to keep calm
What is the meaning of the Idom ' A dark horse'-an unknown person
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom : It was his constant prayer that he might 'die in harness' .-die in honour
Jack of the trades' means-who can do everything but not specialized
'Lock stock and barrel' means---completely
'To come out' means----To become visible
what is the meaning of 'culpable homicide' ?-grievious hurt
'Two heads are better than one' - এই প্রবাদ বাক্যটির ভাবার্থ কোনটি ?-Consultation
' Straw vote ' বলিতে কি বুঝায় ?-Unofficial pole of public opinion
'By and large' mearse----Mostly
The correct meaning of 'At home' --Expert
To smell a rat- এর অর্থ-To suspect a trick or deceit
To give up the ghost-----To die
'Keep your nose out of something ' means --to avoid
What is the meaning of 'The wee hours'?-After midnight
Find out the meaning of the phrase - 'Over head and ears'-Deeply
The expression 'cats and dogs' means --heavy
What is the meaning of 'Herculean task' ?-A very difficult task
Which one is correct ?-I am hard up now
The expression 'an exciting and interesting time ' can be replaced by ---a whale of a time
What does 'three score' mean?-three times twenty
Choose the best end for the sentence. He copied my eassy --?-word for word
Complete the sentence with the correct phrase/idiom : I shall be with you -- .-through thick and thin
We must --- catch the 7.30 train. Otherwise we won't be able to reach the campus in time.-at all costs
'Harp on' means-talk about the same subject
They tried heart and --- but could not prevail.-soul
What does 'three score' mean -?-Three times twenty
The idiom ' Tooth and nail ' এর অর্থ --Completely
What is the meaning of the expression "bottom of my heart " ?-core of my heart
'Out and out' means----Throughly
The expression 'after one's own heart' means ----To one's own liking
What is the meaning of the expression 'bottom line' ?-The essential point
The proverb 'A bird in hand is worth two in the bush' implies --Something easily available is better than many precious things out of reach
The idiom 'Chip of the old block' refers to .-worthy son of a worthy father
'Live from hand to mouth' means in Bangla --দিন আনে দিন খায়
Mukta knows --- sing.-how to
A speech full of too many words is ----a verbose speech
'Make for' means -----go somewhere
Burning question. বাগধারাটির সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি ?-A hotly discussed question
He showed ----- when the danger came.-cold shoulder
Appearances can often be liable to mislead the underlined phrase means----to avoid
Eat into vitals :-escape
The condition of most slum dwellers is 'so miserable that it cannot be described in words '. Which is the best phrase for the following expression above ?-Beggars description
A person Whose 'head is in the clouds' is----a day dereamer
'Beat about the bush ' -- what is the bangla meaning of the idiom-না জেনে কিছু বলা
"White colour job" means --a job without manual labour
In a nutshell means --Briefly
What you say is quite --out of place
To be one's , wit's end means --Not to know what to do
Hand to mouth অর্থ কি ?-দিন আনে দিন খায়
'They left in a body' means----together
Select the correct sentence.-I am a man of words
What is the meaning of ' Out of the wood ' ?-Free from difficulties
He has sold his house and has no job and so "now he has next to nothing".-he has nothing to all
'To take somebody for a cruising' means --to keep company
'To reader between lines' means---to read carefully to find out meaning
Choose the correct sentence ---I shall avail myself of this opportunity
Castles in the air means ----Fanciful schemes
'Gift of the gab' means ----None of them
Englishmen were only --- in India-birds of passage
Pros and cons , means --All
His honesty cannot be ---called in question
I could not attend the school --- of illness. শূন্যস্থানে কোনটি বসে ?-on account
The phrase 'At a stretch ' means --without break
The company has gone ----to the wall
To take a leap in the dark - এর অর্থ ---To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result
"hitting below the belt" means --doing something unfair in a competition
The idom"A stitch in time saves nine"--refers the importance of---timely action
'Bill of fare' is ---a list of dishes at a restaurant
'At daggers drawn' means---on the point of fighting
'On the quiet' means-secretly
What is the meaning of the phrase 'to make good' ?-to compensate
'A Jack of all trades' means-who can do many different types of work
'Look before you leap' means --be wary
'Green with envy' means-very jealons
When a person says he 's " all in " , it means ---He is very tried
The idiom 'in a nutshell' means----concise
Find out the correct meaning of 'A hard nut to crack'-Difficult
'Hard and fast' - phrase টির অর্থ কি ?-Fixed
" They left in body " means --together
জিলাপির প্যাঁচ -- Which one is the right idiom ?-Wheels Within wheels
The expression ' blue blood ' means --noble birth
----- his merit he was given a prize.-In view of
I have never seen such a slow coach like you , this small work has taken you three full months. What does the idiom ' a slow coach ' means --A very lazy person
Please keep an ---- on the baby.-eye
'Throw cold water on' এর অর্থ হচ্ছে ----Damb the spirits
in a nut shell- এর অর্থ ---সংক্ষেপে
The following phrase 'Pore over' means----read carefully
To 'raise one's brows' indicates----indifference
'To get along with' means---to adjust
Choose the correct English idiom for -- 'শাস্তি দেওয়া'-Bring to book
We locked up our valuables so that they would not ----go astray
'A heavy heart' means-great sadness
I prefer to talk to people "face to face" rather than to talk no the phone.-in person
The manager dismissed the new proposal "out of hand" and said that it was not at all practical.-quickly
I wanted to build a book case but I could not make --- of the instruction.-sense
'End in some' means ----end in nothing
My uncle sees me every now and again.-frequently
To break the ice -----. phrase টির অর্থ কি ?-To start a conversation
Birds fly --- in the sky.-at large
'Pass for ' means --qualify
What is the meaning of 'Herculean task'.?-a very difficult task
parcel out --- what does the phrase mean?-divide
Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in cold blood. What does the italicized idiom above mean ?-In cool brain and calculated thought
'A bed of roses' idiom টির অর্থ কি ?-A life only of joy and happiness
'Carried the day' means --won
without language human beings are --. Replace the right idiom from the flowing.-cast adrift
The correct meaning of "a bird's eye view"-a cursory glance
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom. The piece of land was 'a bone of contention' between the two countries .-A matter of dispute
'In a nutshell' means---briefly
I shall come back ' in no time '. The phrase means --very soon
Dog days means ----hot weather
"Lend me your ears " means --listen to me
Taslima found it difficult to cope with the loss of her job. Choose a word/phrase from the following which would best keep the meaning of this sentence if it were substituted for the underlined words :-deal with
'At sixes and sevens' means.-in disorder
I could barely "make out" the traffic signs through the rain.-discern
The meaning of 'In black and white' is --In writing
A green horn ----. phrase টির অর্থ কি ?-An inexperienced man
The thief was caught red - handed. Here 'red -handed' means --with proof
The correct meaning of 'a bird's eye view' is----a cursory glance
Aslam left Dhaka ---for good
Point out the correct meaning of the phrase ' fits and starts'.-at irregular intervals
When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart-became discouraged
Even when he became a star he didn't have ----airs and graces
A fool's paradise---to live an illusions
'All in all' - এর অর্থ --all powerful
He saw an opportunity and ---.-made a dash for it
Fill in the gap with correct idiom : The news of his death struck us like a ---- from the blue.-bolt
The manager looked into the matter.-Investigate
'Beggar description ' means --indescribable
To read between the lines ----- ?-to grasp the hidden meaning
The cricket match proved to be a big draw.-A huge attraction
There is no -- rule in this matter.-hard and fast
' Go to the dogs ' means --be ruined
'By fair means or foul ' - phrase টির অর্থ হলো --In any way, honest or dishonest
'Run counter to ' means --contradict
Do come and visit us the next time you're in Dhaka. The underlined words may be replaced by --Show up
'At a loss' means----Being puzzled
'Dead Letter' means --Law not in force
Which one of the following is the correct meaning of the phrase 'by fitts and starts'?-at irregular intervals
'Riding for a fall' means----to act recklessly
'Hold water ' means --Bear examination
'The birds and the bees' means---the basic facts about sex
There's ---- dust on these books. Fetch me a duster.-a lot of
Weal and woe come ---by turns
'By leaps and bounds' means -----At rapid rates
What is the meaning of 'run riot ' ?-Behave in a lawful way
Withdraw means --give up
Choose the correct sentence ?-He left the hostel bag and baggage.
'Black sheep' শব্দটির অর্থ কি?-কুলাঙ্গার
" Bird's eye view " means --A rough idea
The bad news struck him like a bolt from the ----.-blue
What is the meaning of the idiom, 'a round dozen'?-a full of dozen
All the student got high marks in the test but Erfan "stood out".-Got higher marks thansomeone
Do you feel ---- taking a walk.-like
He could not attend the meeting --- of illness.-on account
'Though thick and thin' means-under all conditions
নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ ?-Look up the word in the dictionary
A dog's life means-an unhappy life
What is the meaning of 'hang about'?-loiter about
To 'cold shoulder' somebody is to --insult him
Which word below can replace the following phase " went down" ?-Collapsed
'Through thick and thin' means :-under all conditions
The exact sentence of the following using the phrase 'with a high hand' is ----He put down the rebelling with a high hand
Health experts say people still need moderate to vigorous exercise, which has been shown to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and other disorders. Which of the following is closer meaning to vigorous?-Energetic
'cut to the quick' means----to hurt intensely
'All ago' means-very interested
Bad habits should be 'nipped in the bud'. The following phrase means --to be stopped in the beginning
'Few and far between ' means --rarely
The idom 'well off' means ---economically solvent
' A stones throw ' means --at a short distance
We had to "put up with" the inconvenience.-endure
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom 'Swan song'-Last work
'To kick the bucket' means---die
Identify the correct meaning of the idiom : bring to book .-fetch for justice
'Fall into line' idiom টির অর্থ---Agree
Idiom 'silver lining' means --hope
Bird's eye view---general view from above
The expression "to look after" means-to take care
I --- a straw for him.-do not care
"Bon voyage" means --Wish you a good trip
With this fog , I'm sure the train will be late. Which expression may replace the underlined phrase ?-is bound to be late
' For good ' means --Permanently
'For good' means---permanently
I am 'out of sorts' today . out of sorts means----ill
The Bangla meaning of the idiom 'tell tales' is-হাটে হাঁড়ি ভাঙা
To blow hot and cold-To be inconsistent
"To sit on the fence" is --to remain neutral
'To be one's wit's end' mean .----Not to know what to do
You should 'show good manners' in the company of young ladies. Which is the appropriate phrase for the underlined expression above ?-Behave gently
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom 'Swan song'---last work
The meaning of 'In black and white' is---in writing
Choose the correct words : Mrs. Alam was ---- a great woman.-through and through
'Null and void' - phrase এর অর্থ কি ?-কোনটিই নয়
'He could not believe his ears' means he was --incredulous
what is the meaning of the idom 'a round dozen' ?-a full dozon
Dog's meat -এর অর্থ কি ?-বর্জ্য পদার্থ
What is the meaning of "Soft Soap " ?-Flatter for self motives
'On the eve of ' phrase টির অর্থ হচ্ছে --Dark evening
'Byond all questions' means----without doubt
I do not know 'the way and wherefore' of your action. 'the way and wherefore' phrase means-reason
Why do you fight say of me ? the underlined phrase means----avoid
Our friends will ---- for two nights-put us up
" To meet trouble half way " means --to be disappointed
'Put up with' means---endure
What is the meaning of the phrase 'come into force' ?-Make effective
He could not attend the meeting --- of illness.-on account
His poor health is the main "road block" to his promotion.-threat
What is the correct meaning of 'by all means'?-certainly
"Dog days" means --Hot weather
He is 'up to his ears' in work and cannot possibly see you now.-fully occupied with
Please keep an ----- on the baby.-eye
What is the meaning of 'to make oneself at home?-to be comfortable
Your classmate insulted you to ----pay of old scores
'Empty vessels sound much.' -এর সমার্থক প্রবাদ বাক্য কোনটি ?-Barking dogs seldom bite

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