Corrections Spelling

বিদ্যুৎ শক্তির হিসাব নিকাশে ব্যবহৃত একক --কিলোওয়াট ঘণ্টা
Which of the following is correct?-I felt his pulse
Which of the following sentence is correct?-Why have you done this?
Choose the correct sentence.-She dyed her hair black.
Choose the correct sentence --The rich are not always happy
Choose the correct sentence --He likes jogging.
Choose the correct spelling :-privilege
Which of the following sentence is correct?-I shall be glad to help everyone of my boys in his studies.
লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল শব্দের সঠিক ইংরেজি বানান কোনটি?-Lieutenant
He is thirty-five . He has reached - age.-middle
Which one is a correct sentence?-paper is made from wood
Which word is correctly spelt :-Humorous
His teacher had him - for the test.-sit
Choose the best option "You had better -"-go away
Which one is correct?-The old man died yesterday.
Each of the boys - present in the class.-is
Which one of these words in not correctly spelt?-pronounciation
Choose the correct sentence :-She seldom wants to try to face the facts.
Choose the correct sentence .-Mr. Rahman teaches very well, doesn't he?
Identify the correct sentence.-He entrusted me with this responsibility
My uncle considered - his business, when it was running really low.-selling
It is essential that the patient - medicine regularly.-take
Which one is the correct spelling?-synchronization
It was high time we - our habits.-changed
Choose the word correctly spelling --questionnaire
Choose the correct sentence.-No sooner had I rached the station than the train left.
I wish I - a poet.-were
Choose the correctly spelt word:-leisure
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Hamonious
The poor man said, 'I - sharve than beg.' Fill in the space by --would rather
সঠিক বানান নির্ণয় করুন।-Embarrass
Which is correctly spelt?-queue
Which sentence is correct?-The trainis runing on time
Choose the correctly spelt word :-Supersede
Choose the correct spelling-Definition
Choose the correct sentence :-Let me give you a piece of advice.
One of the crucial - traffic jam.-problems is
Which one of the following is correct?-His conduct admits of no excuse.
Which of the following sentence is correct?-It is a must
Which of teh following sentences is a correct proverb?-Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Pick the word which is spelt incorrectly:-Sattelite
Choose the correct sentence --Though he is strong, he is lazy.
Find the incorrect sentence:-He knows in and out of that affair.
Which one is correct?-The ship sunk in the occan.
Choose the correct sentence :-Dina is taller than each of her four sisters
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Tsunami
Each of the boys - present in the class.-is
Which of these words is not correctly spelt?-intellegent
He came here with a view to.-giving us a surprise
Five miles - a long distance.-is
Find out the correct sentence.-We write in ink
Which one is correct spelling?-renaissance
Identify the word with correct spelling :-Sustenance
Which is the correct sentence?-This is a fact.
Choose the correct one:-misspell
Which one is a correct sentence?-I feel his pulse
One of the foru sentence, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence :-The lend is belonged to an old lady
Choose the correct sentence.-The police were informed of the matter
- than he left the place.-No sooner had he seen the police
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Juvenile
Choose the right form of verb : I reached the station after the train (to leave).-I reached the station after the train had left.
Identify the correct spelling :-superstition
Select the correct sentence:-He came home yesterday
Which one is the correct sentence?-He is better today.
Identify the correct sentence.-Have you ever been to Kuakata?
Select the correct spelling of the words-bureaucracy
Select the word with right spelling.-achieve
Choose the correct sentence:-I informed the police of the matter
Choose the correct spelling :-Itinerary
Which of teh following sentences is correct?-I forbade him to go.
Choose the correct expression :-She was born in 1985.
Identify the word with right spelling.-handcuff
The man along with his neighbours - working for the welfare of the people.-is
Climate is a - of the environment.-state
Find the misspelt word.-extroverson
Choose the correct answer :-He bade me good-bye.
Choose the correct sentence.-One third of the students are absent
Select the correct sentence:-Distribute the mangoes among the four girls.
Which one is correct?-He has been waiting for three hours
Identity the correct spelt word :-adversity
Choose the correct expression --Five hundred taka
Which of the following spelling is correct?-Bureaucracy
Choose the correct sentence :-He looked angry but did not speak angrily.
Fill in the blani : She is fond of - to music.-listening
Cricket enjoys a huge - in Bangladesh.-following
Which is the correct sentence?-He is a perfect judge
Choose the correct sentence --Repeat it
সঠিক বানান নির্ণয় করুন।-Critisise
Which is one correct?-It is quarter past ten
The girl is popular - all. To full line gap are need :-with
Choose the correct spelling :-itinerary
Write the correct one :-The bus had left before we reached the station
Choose the correct sentence.-Everybody has gone there
Which of teh following sentences is correct?-One of my friends is a lawyer
Choose the correct option:-Sympathy is akin to kindness
Find the correctly splt word :-Atmosphere
The correct spelling is --cigarette
Choose the correctly spelied word.-President
Choose the correct spelling --Announce
Choose the correctly spelled word.-Haughty
He advised me - smoking-To give up
Choose the correct spelling --spontaneity
This could have worked if I - been more cautions.-had
Choose the correct sentence.-He refrained from taking any drastic action
Choose the word correctly spelt.-Sovereignty
Which is the correct sentence?-Each boy and each girl has a pen
Choose the right sentence --The light went out while we were having our supper.
Would you mind - the window, please?-closing
Choose the correctly spelied word.-Excessive
Which one is correct?-one of my sisters is a nurse
Which one is correctly spelt?-Diarrhoea
The correct spelling is -.-Humorous
Which one is incorrect?-It is a quarter to eleven
Find out the correct sentence :-He has gone for a walk.
Which of the following is a correct sentence?-He was too clever to miss the point
Find out the word with incorrect spelling --Farvent
Choose the word correctly spelt --assumption
একটি slab এর gross sectional area এর কত % reinforcement ব্যবহার করতে হবে?-0.15%
Choose the correct spelling :-accommodation
Choose the correct spelling.-ascertain
Choose the correct sentence.-One of my friends is a lawyer
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?-Bureau
Choose the correct spelling.-assassination
Choose the correct expressio :-No fewer than fifty students were present.
Select the choice which gives the correct spelling :-Commemorate
Identify the sentence with the correct punctuations :-Wahid, my friend, is absent today
Choose the correct answer --An idle man cannot prosper in life
Identify the correct spelling :-moustache
Find out the correct sentence.-The more you read the more you learn
Which of the following has the correct spelling?-Crucial
Identity the word which is spelt incorrectly :-consciencious
Choose the correct sentence.-Please listen to my advice.
Choose the correct sentence --I do not care a straw for him
Select the correct spelling of the words-Affidavit
Which of the following sentence is correct?-This is a unique case
Which word is correctly spelt?-queue
Choose the correct tense--Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep
Seclect the correct spelling from given options-Restuarant
Choose the correctly spelled word.-Beachcomber
Find out the correct sentence.-They will arrive by the by
Choose the correct sentence-He speaks English like the English
He talked as if he - everything.-had known
Jamal walks as if he - lame.-were
Select the correct sentence :-Did he come home yesterday?
Which one is correct?-The old man died yesterday.
Find out the correct sentence.-It has been raining for four days
Find out the word which is wrongly, spelt.-personel
Which one is the correct spelling?-Theoretically
Which one is correctly splt?-guillotine
Choose the correct sentence.-He has scarrely any money
Which one of the sentence is correct?-The boss wants the notice to be hung.
Identify the correct sentence :-She prefers dancing to sining.
Which of the following sentence is correct?-Every one of the boys loves to ride.
It is time he - his bad habits.-changed
Which of the following sentences is correct?-Why have you done this?
Seclect the correct spelling from given options-Licence
Choose the correctly spelied word.-Shoulder
Which one is correct?-You, he and I are present
Which of these words is not correctly spelt?-grotasque
Choose the correct one --Misspell
Which word is correctly spelt?-Miscellaneous
Choose he correct sentence --It rained last night
Choose the correctly spelt word :-Voluntary
Choose the correct sentence :-All of it depends on you
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Condescension
Choose the correctly spelled word.-Decisive
Choose the correctly spelied word.-Treason
The entrained air in concrete --increase workability
Identify the word with correct spelling :-Deteriorate
Which one is the correct spelling?-Palatable
Which of these words is not correctly splt?-haemorrage
Which of the following is a correct sentence?-Ten miles is a long distance
'Smoking - our health.' Fill up the space by --affects
Choose the correct sentence :-He is junior to me
Choose the correct one.-He asked me why I had done it.
It is very kind of you to - to speak at the meeting.-agree
Which is the correct sentence?-I shall avail myself of the opportunity
Choose the correctly spelled word.-plausible
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?-Relevant
Choose the correct sentence :-All of if depends on you
Choose the correctly spelled word.-Ceaseless
Select the correctly spelt word :-heterogeneous
Identify the word with correct spelling :-Miscellaneous
Choose the correct sentence.-I had looked for a good doctor before I met you
No spelling error occurs in :-ascertain
Alexander Fleming - penecillin.-discovered
Choose the correct sentence.-The pen belongs to you.
Identity the correct spelling?-rambling
Identify the correct sentence :-He is working hard to stand first
The sentence with correct punctuation--Maria, my student, is on leave today.
Choose the correct spelling :-Acknowledgement
Choose the correct sentence .-Neither the Chairman nor the members were present.
The correct spelling is :-honest
Choose the correct sentence :-He died of cholera.
Which one below is a correct sentence?-I like his child like simplicity.
Choose the correct sentence.-The train is running on time
Find out the correct sentence.-He does not know how to write with a pen
Seclect the correct spelling from given options-Committee
Which one is the correct sentence?-He prefers writing to reading
Choose the correct one :-Let Ruma and me go.
Which of the following spelling is correct?-Uarantee
Which is the correct use of gerund?-Dancing is a good exercise.
Identity the correct spelling?-consensus
Choose the correctly spelt word :-Leisure
Choose the correct sentence:-Would that I could enter the palace
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Dilemma
Choose teh correct sentence.-The rich are not always happy
The correctly spelt word is --Millennium
Had I seen him there --I would have talked to him.
Of the four alternatives given below, choose the word/words that best fits into the underlined word given in the sentence: 'One day women will have what has so long been denied them- leisuree, money and room to themselves.'-Space
Seclect the correct spelling from given options-Collateral
Choose the correct one :-He is not only intelligent but also creative
Select the active structure:-I have lost my watch.
It is time he - his mistakes.-realized
Choose teh correct sentence.-The man who said that was a fool
Select the word with right spelling --Schizophenia
Choose the correct spelling :-vacuum
Which one of the following is wrongly splt?-facination
Identify the correct sentence.-Why have you done this?
Which one is correct?-Mischievous
Which one is correct?-The old man died yesterday
Choose the correct sentence .-I have a decent house to live in.
Which word is correctly spelt?-Quetionnaire
Identify the correct sentences--She had faith in and hopes for the future
Which one of the following sentence is correct?-One of my friends is a lawyer.
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?-Achievement
Choose the word which do not have a plural --information
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Pedestrian
Choose the correctly spelled word.-Dauber
Which of the following is correct?-business
Select the correct spelling of the words-Psychology
Fifty miles - a long distance.-is
Which of the following sentence is correct?-The shirt which he bought is blue in colour
Identify the correct sentence :-Tell me what your name is
Choose the correct sentence:-The teacher beat the student black and blue
মনপুরা - ৭০ কি?-একটি চিত্রকর্ম
Identify the correct sentence?-Yesterday, he went home
Which word is misspelt?-Garulous
Select the correct sentence --The police was informed of the matter.
Choose the correctly spelt word.-Descending
Choose the correct sentence:-He refrained from taking any drastic action.
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?-Parallel
I would have never watched that movie - how scary it was.-if i had known
Blood pressure পরিমাপক যন্ত্রটির নাম শুদ্ধ বানানে কোনটি?-Sphymomanometer
Choose the right sentence --If you run in the rain you will catch cold
They came to Dhaka with a view to --visiting
Which spelling is correct?-Chocolate
Choose the correct sentence :-Credit it to my account
No spelling error occurs in :-ancient
Identity the correct spelling?-supplementary
Choose the correct sentence.-I saw her entering the room.
The correct spelling is --Humorous
Which one is incorrect?-Two heads are better than trhree
কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?-Remittance
Choose the correct sentence .-When we saw her last, she was running to catch a bus.
Whiche sentence is correct?-You had better go there
Which is the correct spelling?-pulizer
Which one is the correct sentence?-Either of the books is stolen.
Find out the wrongly spelt word :-Beaurocrat
Choose the correctly spelied word.-ntelligance
Which one is correct?-Where were you born?
Choose the correct sentene:-I know what he wants.
Choose the correct sentence.-He was hanged for murder.
Three-fourths of the work - finished.-has been
Which of the following sentence is the correct one?-Paper is made from wood
Find the correct sentence :-Over a billion people use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
If he - a human being, he would not have done this.-were
Choose the correctly spelt word :-Accelerate
Which one is a correct sentence?-I felt his pulse
Which of the following is the correct sentence?-What he has said is right
Which one is correct?-I am sure of success
The correct sentence of the following:-A new cabinet has been sworn in Dhaka
Choose the correct sentence-Everybody has gone there.
Find the correct spelling --secretarial
Choose the correct spelling :-Accelerate
One of the foru sentence, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence :-His failure resulted for lack of attention
'He feels comparatively better today' . Find the incorrectly used word.-comparatively
Identify the correct sentence :-It has been raining for two days.
Choose the correct one : --He is sick of flattery
Choose the correct sentence.-Here comes the bus.
Which sentence is correct?-This is a unique case
Which of these sentence is correct?-The more he gets, the more he wants
Which sentence is correct?-The girl burst into tears
Chose the correct sentence.-Let you and him be withnesses
One of the boys - present.-was
Which one is correct?-The Sundarbans
Choose thhe word correctly spelt.-Cellular
Find out the word with correct spelling --instead
Find out the correctly spelt word.-Satelite
Seclect the correct spelling from given options-Suggestion
Which one is the correct sentence?-Paper is made from wood
Find out the correct sentence :-She has been sleeping for six hours.
Which of the following sentence is correct?-One of my friends is a lawyer
The corret sentence of the following:-The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
Correct the sentence - ' The father could not help but cry at his condition'.-crying
তামার সাথে কোন ধাতুর সংকরায়নে ব্রোঞ্জ উৎপন্ন হয়?-টিন
Choose the correct sentence .-The quality of the Apples was not good.
Choose the correct sentence :-The mobile set is almost same as mine.
She was hardly-hit by the recent recession. Which word(s) make this sentence incorrect?-hardly-hit
Choose the correct sentence :-My sister visited me yesterday .
Choose the correct sentence --I have finished reading the book.
Choose the correct sentence --Fifty miles is a long distance.
Which sentence is correct?-My father informed the police of the matter.
Which one is correct spelling?-Cigarette
Choose the word which never has a plural-information
Choose the right sentence .-I don't know who he is?
Which of the following is correct?-The old man died yesterday
Choose the correct sentences--Rahim ate almost the whole fish
It's time you - your mistake.-realised
Identify the correct sentence.-Let us discuss the matter
Identity the correct spelling?-censure
Choose the correct spelling :-ascertain
Write down the correct sentence : --What tiem did you go to bed last night?
Choose the correct sentence --The poor are not always dishonest.
সঠিক বানান নির্ণয় করুন।-Miscreant
Find out the correct spelling.-exemplary
Which one is correct?-Iron is harder than any other metal.
Identity the correct spelling?-dissatisfied
Which the correct sentence?-The rich are not always happy
Identify the correct spelling :-precarious
Which word is correctly spelt?-pedestrian
Choose the correct sentence :-Dina is taller than each of her four sisters.
Find the correct spelling :-Definition
The boat - in the padma.-sank
Which of the following is a correct sentence?-One of my friends is a lowyer
Choose the correct spelling.-Accessories

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