Substitution Expressions and Definitions

A place for keeping dogs---Kennel
One (man) who hates women---misogynist
One who loves and serves mankind is---a philanthropist
The study of ---- is oncology.-cancer
Property inherited from one's father or ancestors----Inheritance
To think intensely--ponder
The expression 'Ligua franca' means----common language
The act of spying---Espionage
One who is neither intelligent nor dull---Mediocre
'Paediatric' relates to the treatment of---children
One who pretends illness to escape duty---Truant
-- = the failure to obey, the trait of being unwilling to obey.-disobedience
A person who writes about his own life writes---An autobiography
Entomology deals with---Insects
The word 'paranoid' is connected with----psychology
A man who has not remarried after his wife's death is called----widower
A cure for all diseases---Panacea
Words inscribed on a tomb is an---epitaph
One whose attitude is: 'eat, drink and bemerry'---Materialistic
A place of ideal peace and happiness---Elysium
A general pardon of political offenders----Amnesty
Select the similar meaning of the word GRATIS----Free
Parts of a country behind the coast or a river's banks---Hinterland
First language means the ---- language.-natural
A sudden rush of wind---Gust
The word 'somnambluist' means---a sleep-walker
'Stalwart' means in politics---reliable supporter
A heavy unnatural slumber---Coma
The killing of oneself is----suicide
-- = the quality or state being unable to die, prepetual life after death.-immortality
Philology is the---study of languages
A person who enters without any invitation---Intruder
A pilgrim ia a person who undertakes a journey to a---Holy place
Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others----Sadism
'Plebiscite' is a term related to---Politics
A person who sells flowers---Florist
One who studies and treats the diseases of the eye is---an opthalmologist
A sound which cannot be heard--Inaudible
Work for which no regular salary is paid---Honorary
A person who mends shoes---cobbler
A person warking in the same place with another---Colleague
A child who hits smaller or weaker children is called---a bully
A piece of music playedor sung by one person----solo
One who spends extravagantly---spendthrift
That cannot be corrected or improved---incorrigible
One who possesses many talents---Versatile
A remedy for all diseases---a panacea
Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning---Circumlocation
The science of judging a person's character, capabilities etc. from examination of the shape of his skull----Phrenology
Many islands make up---an archipelago
A place where bees are kept---Apiary
The person who travels from place to place----Itinerant
A misogynist hates---women
A person who studies the scientific development of language is a----philogist
Ecology is a word mostly used in the field of:-Environment
An assembly of hearers---Audience
Theology is the study of ---religion
-- = the trait of being vain and conceited.-immodesty
One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind, when every man should be a law unto himself.-Anarchist
Pisciculture is related to----Fish
One who hates mankind is--a misanthropist
'Boot leg' means to---smuggle
An unmarried woman is called---apinster
'Bibliography' means---Collection of Books
PANACEA-----Something that cures everything
A story in verse---Ballad
-- = state of relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption.-kinship
The study of birds is----ornithology
What is the meaning of 'Bona fides'?-Genuine cultivator
Decision that can not be taken back-----Irrevocable
A place where horses kept---Tannery
A cardiologist treats patients with -- problem.-heart
Custom of having more than one wife at the same time is---polygamy
One who knows everything is----omniscient
'Hamlet' means----A small village
A place where money is coined---Mint
A speech made without previous preparation---extempore
'Syntax' means---Sentence building
The ability to tell interesting stories makes one---a raconteur
A book containing information on all subjects---Encyclopedia
The word 'ecological' is related to---environment
The study of mankind----Anthropology
A person unable to pay his debts---insolvent

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