Tense and Right forms of Verb

Fill in the gap with the right tense: When water ---- it turns into ice.-freezes
My friend ---- before I came.-had left
It seemed that----the day would never end
They---- the pond for a month-have been digging
The doctor ----- after the patient had died.-came
You "had better to hurry" if you don't want to miss the bus.-had better hurry
I wish I --- a king.-were
It's time (you realize) your mistaks. Which of the following clause best fits in the above sentence?-you realized
My friend ---- the Pyramids.-have never seen
The teacher suggested that her students ----- experiences with ESP.-write a composition on their
We were watching the news when the telephone----rang
I went to the market with a view to --- a book.-buying
Her colleagues expected --- the job.-her to get
The speaker failed to make the audience ---- to him patiently.-listen
It is no ---- suggesting that he should do something about his hair.-use
I opened the door as soon as I----- the bell-heard
I heard the baby ---- for this food.-cry
Don't make a noise while your father------is sleeping
I ---- the task by the time he began to write the report.-had completed
The patient ---- before the doctor came.-had died
Salman completed ----- the report on the share market last Monday.-writing
Choose the correct tense---Scarcely had we started when it began to rain
It ---- raining since monday.-has been
Hakim --- for a new room mate before he was finally succeeded.-had been looking
Bangladesh ---- greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past five years.-changed
They treated me --- I were a child.-as if
I made her ----cry
Choose the correct sentence---Why have you done this?
No, he is not here. He just ---- out.-has gone
Let's go to the movie when you get through "to study".-studying
We will tell him about it after he-----arrives
By the middle of the twenty first century, the computer ----- a necessity in every home.-will have become
Travellers — their reservation well in advance if they want to fly during the Eid holidays.-had better get
Identify one of the quotation parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. "No sooner" " the bell rang" "than the teacher entered" "the class".-the bell rang
Look! the girls----- football-are playing
The train --- before we reach the station.-will have left
We shall --- the work before he comes.-have finished
A new house --- at the corner of the road.-is being built
Keep watch on my bag lest the thief --- steal it.-should
Find the correct sentences.-Karim enjoys hunting for rabbits, socializing with friends, and reading the comics
The doctor insisted that his patient----take it easy for three months
Choose the correct sentence---I had looked for a good doctor before I met you.
Identify the correct sentence:-No sooner had we reached the station than the train left
After it was repaired, it --- again.-ran perfectly
Mr. Rehman behaves as if he ---- everything.-knew
By the time I had reached the bottom of the mountain, I --- extremely tired.-felt
He---- to Chicago just a few months ago-moved
It is time (do) the work.-to do
My mother had me ------ milk everyday.-drink
'Since we are living' in Dhaka for five years, we are reluctant to move to another city.-Since we have been living
Choose the correct sentence----Where did he went?
As they waited Rahim agued against war----While his brother was discusing the effects of pollution
The light went out while I --------was reading
He talks as if he ----- everything.-knew
As the sun ---, I decided to go out.-was shining
He ran fast lets he --- miss the train.-should
Choose the correct word for the gap in the sentence, 'My father insists on ---- quality materials for the construction of our new house.'-using
She caught them while they----were talking
He is considering not "to go".-going
I am looking forward ---- you.-to seeing
The word 'paradigm' means-----example
Which one completes the senrence properly? Some days ----- since my father died.-have passed
I reached the station after the train(to leave)-I reached the station after the train had left
Next August Lata and Tanim----- for 10 years-will have been married
While you ---- in the garden, someone arrived at the house.-were working
Choose the correct sentence---It has been raining for three days
Twenty years ---- since my father died.-have passed
When the bell rang, everyone stopped----moving
Tomorrow the President "is going open a new hospital."-is going to open a new hospital
Choose the correct sentence---He has been absent since Friday
Which one is the right in use?-It's no use talking to him
Rabindranath's stories often ---- surprise ending?-have
Identify one of the quotation parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. "No sooner did" " the train arrived at the station" "than the passengers" "rushed towards it."-No sooner did
He ---- abroad for ten years before he settled down in Bangladesh-had worked
What "are you doing"? I work in a book shop.-do you do
I am looking forward ---- you.-to seeing
I ---- to his house yesterday but could not meet him.-went
Just now he -- his dinner but he says he'll see you when he's finished.-has had
Find out which part of the sentence has an error. The error may be grammatical or idiomatic. If there is no mistake, the answer is No error. "No sooner did I open the door" "when the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed in" "making us shiver from head to foot."-No sooner did I open the door
It ---- raining since early morning.-has been raining
The participants ---- working on the complex project for one hour when he suddenly --- the room.-had been/ entered
My father insists on ---- quality materials for the construction of our new house.-using
It's 10 a.m. now. The sun --- in the eastern sky?-is shining
Hardly had the train stopped---before we got down
When I --- into him on the atreet, he said ---- abroad for business affairs that evening.-ran/ was going
She tried to be serious but she couldn't help------laughing
Before my father ----- a house on the plot, paddy was grown here.-constructed
You will soon get used ----- in such an environment.-to working
I will phone you when I --- the news.-get
He ---- here yesterday.-came
Choose the correct sentence from the following.-Why have you done this?
After the hurricane, uprooted trees --- all over the ground.-were lying
which one is corect?-He came to me day before yesterday
Those cars ------- an accident.-have just had
I have no objection to ---- your story again.-hearing
From the four quotation words or phrases in each sentence, select the one that needs correction. If there is no error in the sentence, select 'No error'. A "somnambulist" "walk" "as" he "is" sleeping.-is
Where-----did you have your hair cut?
It is high time we --- the place.-left
Karim had this car --- by a mechanic yesterday.-repaired
They asked me what I have taken for breakfast---have taken
Most white people don't object --- them by their first name.-to my calling
She told me her name after she-----had left
I ---- TV when the telephone rang.-was watching
He advised me --- smoking.-to give up
We often---- a victim of circumstances-fall
The accused was ---- for murder.-hanged
The boy promised ---- the girl.-to marry
which of the following is correct?-Have you finished the work yet?
I hate ---- at holidays.-working
It is worth ---- that the project was completed in three months.-mentioning
It's time ----- your mistakes.-you realized
The baby -- because its is hungry now?-is crying
Choose the correct tense.-They have been digging the canal for a week
Choose the correct sentence---He has been living here for five months
From the four quotation words or phrases in each sentence, select the one that needs correction. If there is no error in the sentence, select 'No error'. Diversification is a "strategy" "to" "investing" in many "unrelated" business.-to
The train ---- from Paris.-has already arrived
An intensive search was conducted by the detective to locate those criminals who----had escaped
By 2020, I ---- for this firm 15 years.-will have worked
Jashim looks sick.-He has been suffering from fever for the last 3 days
The wall of palace ------ in nearly hundred years ago.-was built
Choose the correct sentence---Does he have a house?
He did not let me --- the guitar.-play
No soonar had he died than-----his family divided
His uncle arrived while he ------ the dinner.-was cooking
Onion prices have ----- too much this month.-risen
When I ---- money, I will buy a dictionary.-get
I am not used to --- at this time of the day.-walking
I don't mind ---- with the cooking but I am not going to wash the dishes.-helping
When Sagor --- me, I -------- cartoon on TV.-called/ was watching
It is time --- the work.-to do
He intends to ---- in the country for two months.-stay
Choose the correct sentence---I have been here since monday
We asked him why he ----- telephoned earlier.-had not
Choose the correct sentence---He has been absent since Friday
When the police arrived, 'the criminal have already' escaped.-the criminal had already
Choose the correct sentence---I finished the book yesterday
Choose the correct sentence---It has been raining for three days
আমি গতকাল তোমার চিঠি পেয়েছি -এর সঠিক অনুবাদ---I received your letter yesterday
Almost everyone fails ---- his driver's test on the first try.-to pass
Select the correct form of verb. I got my car ----repaired
When I met her last year, ----------------she had been married for five years
For donors two step lending projects are easier to implement but "they loss too much of their potential operational controls."-they lose too much of their operational control
I ------ before Mr. Rahman went to my office.-had arrived
Choose the correct sentence.-He came home yesterday
We waited until the plane-----.-took off

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