
What is the antonym of 'gentle'?-harsh
The antonym of the word 'flexible' is --hard
What is the antonym of 'Apex'?-base
What is the antonym of 'abduct'?-Restore
In each of the following questions choose the word oppodite in meaning to the given word : Repeal--Enact
The antonym of 'diligent' is --indolent
The antonym of the 'smooth' is --rough
What is the antonym for 'honorary'?-Salaried
Which of the following is antonymto the word 'Evaluation'?-All of these
The antonym of the word 'adverse' is --favourable
The opposite of 'Bustle' is --calm
The antonym of 'pure' is :-adultarated
The opposite word of 'foolish' is --clever
The opposit of 'Purchase' --sell
The opposite meaning of VENERATE --Condemn
Which one is the opposite word of 'Humility'?-pride
What is the antonym of 'agile'?-lazy
Identify the word that means the opposite of 'splendid'-ordinary
An antonym of the word 'Contravene' is --Assist
The antonym for 'inimical ' --friendly
The amtonym for inimical --friendly
The antonym of the word 'shabby' is --new
The opposite word of 'demon' is --Angel
What is the antonym of 'Honourary'?-salaried
Choose the correct antonym for- "Oblige"-Censure
Antonym of the word 'Concord' is :-Conflict
The antonym of the word 'prodigal' is --Thrifty
The antonym of 'belittle' is --glorify
The antonym for 'Coercive' is :-Gentle
Give the antonym of the word “transitory”-permanent
Which of the following is the antonym of 'hybrid'?-Pure bred
Which word is opposite of 'Docile'?-unruly
What is the antonym of 'harmony'?-disharmony
Antonym of "enormous"?-tiny
Antonym of ALLY is --Enemy
The antonym of the word 'posterior' is --anterior
The antonym of extract is-insert
The opposite of 'optimism' is-pessimism
Antonym of the word rotate' is --stay
The antonym of the word 'benign' is --malignant
Which one does not mean the opposite of 'old'?-different
Which one of the following words means the opposite of 'gentle'?-rude
What is the antonym of 'famous' --obscure
The antonym of the word 'Eternal' is --Temporary
What is the antonym of 'rear'?-Front
What is the antonym of 'Honorary'?-Salaried
What is the antonym of 'Queer'?-Orderly
What is the antonym of 'Honorary'?-Salaried
Which one is antonym for 'hate'?-admire
The opposite word of 'sluggish' is --animated
The antonym of the word 'liberty' is --bondage
The antonym of 'optimism' is --Pessimism
Find the odd word from each list.-Significant
ILLUSIVE-Not deceptive
What word be the right antonym for ‘initiative’?-indolence
The opposite word of 'virtuous' is :-dishonest
The opposite of 'exonerate' is --convict
In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word : LIABILITY-Assets
Choose the most likely antonym of the followig word :Ambiguous-definite
The antonym of 'fatal' is : --Constructive
An antonym of 'vertex' is --trough
Find the odd word from each list.-Raucous
The antonym of healthy is :-emaciated
Antonym of the word 'endure' is-close
An antonym of the word 'rebellious' is --Loyal
Which one of the following words means the opposite of 'bold'?-timid
The antonym 'Honorary' is --Salaried
What is the correct antonym of 'panic'?-relax
An antonym of the word 'Dormant' is --Dynamic
The antonym of 'indifference' is -.-ardour
What is the antonym of 'anarchy'?-Peace
What is the antonym of 'Cacophony'?-euphony
Which one is the opposite of 'modest'?-immdoest
Antonym of Futile is :-Effective
What is the antonym of 'Gentle' --Harsh
What is the antonym of 'Gentle'?-Rude
Antonym of 'Obscure' is --Lucid
a, a2, a(a + b) এর লঘিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণিতক কোনটি?-a2 (a + b
The antonym of the word 'unique' is --common
Antonym of the word 'agony' is --happiness
Which one is the opposite word of 'cute'?-ugly
Find the odd word from each list.-Consent
The antonym for 'Prodigal' is :-Economical
An antonym of the word 'Embargo' is --Allow
Which one would be the right antonym for 'trivial'?-significant
What is the antonym from the word 'Pale'?-Joyful
The antonym of 'candid' is --reserved
Which of the following words means the oppsite of 'obscure'?-lucid
The antonym of 'inimical'-Friendly
Antonym of 'Poor' --Rich
'Zenith' এর antonym --lowest point
The opposite word 'violence' is --harmony
Which of the following is antonymto the word 'Evolution'?-Regress
What would be the best antonym of “hibernate”?-liveliness
The opposite of 'Friendship' --enmity
The antonym of the word 'theoretical' is --experimental
Find the odd word from each list.-Limpid
The antomym of extract is --insert
Find out the antonym of 'assist'.-hinder
What kind of man is quite the opposite type of 'supercilious'?-Affable
Which word means the opposite of 'dearth'?-abundance
Which one is the correct antomym of ‘frugal’?-Spendthrift
The antonym for 'Recalcitrant'--Compliant
What would be the best antonym of 'hibemate'.-liveliness
For out the antonym of 'fickle' .-firm
An antonym of the word 'Equivocal' is --Unambiguous
Find the odd word from each list.-Average
What is th eantonym of 'shabby'?-new
Antonym of the word 'Restrict' is --Allow
What is the antonym of 'Apex'?-base
The antonym for 'INGENIOUS' is-Incompetent
What is the antonym of 'malignant'?-Benign
What is the antonym of 'famous'?-Obscure
An antonym of the word 'Tedious' is --Refreshing
What is the antonym of 'Honorary'?-Salaried
Which is the antonym of 'handsome' ?-Ugly
The antonym of the word 'liberty' is --bondage
The antonym of the word 'noble' is --ignoble
The antonym of the word 'dishearten' is --encourage
The antonym of the word 'rude' is :-Humble
Find the antonym of the word 'briefness' :-verbosity
The opposite word 'sluggish' -.-Animated
Antonym of the word 'fecund' is-sterile
The antomym of the word 'baddy'.-Well
An antonym for 'ridid' is --flexible
Selecet the word that is the most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized wore : DELETERIOUR-harmless
Select the antonym of the word DESTITUTE-affuent
EXCITE : CALM-stimulate : cool down
Which is the antonym of 'malicious'?-pleasing
An antonym of 'benign' is-malignant
Which one is an antonym for 'lunatic'?-sane

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