Degree of Comparison

We had ------- applicants this year than we had last.-fewer
Choose the right sentence.-He is senior to me for five years
---- if not prettier tha any other girl at the party.-She was as pretty as
Which of the following sentence is correct?-He is better today
Which of the following sentences is correct?-He is one of the rudest men I've ever met
The --- said about this the ------less, better
Dhaka is becoming one of the ---- cities in Asia.-busiest
The more expensive the hotel, ---- the service.-the better
Which one is the correct translation-- অপমানের চেয়ে মৃত্যু শ্রেয়।-Death is preferable to dishonour
Which sentence is correct?-He is a perfect judge
কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?-I prefer death to dishonour
Less students were present in the class than we had expected. এখানে কোন শব্দটির ব্যবহার অশুদ্ধ---less
I prepare my lesson ----- than you.-more carefully
'Worst' is the superlative degree of---bad
He is --- in the class.-the tallest
Which one is the correct sentence?-The more your read the more your learn
নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?-This is a unique opportunity
Choose the correct sentence---What do you prefer?
I thought that ---- was the last one.-the precttiest one of all
She is the best dancer. She dances ----- than anyone else.-more beautiful
The greater the demand, ------ the price.-the higher
For better or ------ the mobile phone is a very useful device of people's lives.-worse
Helal's luck couldn't have been ---- than Ahnaf.-worse
Choose the correct sentence.-He is the happiest child of all
Choose the correct sentence.-This is the wiser plan of the two
Which one is the correct sentence?-He is more good than bad
শুদ্ধ বাক্য---Rahim is as tall as I
The correct sentence of the followings----The Nile is the longest river in Africa
Which is the correct comparative form of adjective?-Your book is finer than this
Nature is the ------ physician.-best
Prices for bicycles can run ----- Tk.2000.00-as high as
In an admission test, to answer correctly is more important than -------to finish quickly
কোনটি superlative degree-এর অন্তর্ভুক্ত-worst
Which sentence is correct?-He is as good as I

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