
A man whose wife had died is called a --widower
'Pediatric' relates to the treatment of --Children
Something that is 'fresh' is something-in fairly good condition
A person who is able to do many different things is called --versatile
"It is time to review the protocol on testing nuclear weapons". Here the underlined word means --Procedures
A girl who is going to be married is --bride
Parcel-Piece of land
The saying 'Enough. is enough' is used to mean --something to stop
Misanthropist means --A hater of mankind
Someone who is capricious is --known for sudden changes in attitude or behaviour
'Boot leg' means to --smuggle
A bull market means that share prices are --Rising
What is the meaning of the word 'viva voce'?-A spoken examination
'The people who carry a coffin at a funeral and called --Pallbearers
'Ten to one' means --very likely
'Razzmatazz' means--A noisy activity
The word 'parent' means --father or mother
The tense of a verb is mainly related to --time
What is the suitable word ' A hater of mankind'?-Misanthrope
Some interesting facts about your past have just come to light. Here 'come to light' means --to become known
The word 'homogeneous' means-of the same kind
The word homogeneous means --of the same kind
The word 'lunar' is related to -.-moon
'Bootleg' means to --smuggle
'Razzmatazz' means--A noisy activity
A girl who is going to be married is :-Bride
One who is a specialist in heart and its diseases is called --a cardiologist
'Blockbuster' means --A powerful explosive to demolish building.
Which of the following best describes the author's personal attitude toward rumor.-Philosophical interest
A soporific speech is likely to --put one to sleep
What is the meaning of the word 'sequences'?-fo follow
Which of the following is close to 'archipelago' in meaning-A group of islands
The expression 'Voir Dire' means --evidence of the witness
'Brain-box' means?-intelligent person
The profession of teaching is know as --pedagogy
The noun form of the word 'strong' is :-strength
What is the meaning of the word 'euphemism'?-inoffensive expression
The word ' Camouflage' means --disguise
'The French' refers to--the French people
'Plebiscite' is a term releted to --Politics
What is the meaning of 'soft soap'?-Flattery for self motives
The word plurality means -.-The holding of more than one office at a time
Choose the word that is closest in meaning The affluent society --wealthy
Cul-de-sac --dead end
Drawing or writting on a wall, etc. in a public place is called :-graffiti
What do you mean by the word 'Pedagogue'?-a school master
An ordinance is -.-a book
A person who knows several foreign languages well is called --polyglot
A disease that cannot be cured is called a/an --incurable disease
'Panacea' means-cure-all
The word 'sibling' means --a brother or sister
The word 'ecological' is related to --environment
A pilgrim is a person who undertakes a journey to --a holy place
Camouflage means --Disguise
What is the meaning of the word 'Habeas corpus'?-Fundamental rights of prisoner
As players, we are - for Philip but it hurts to think he is no longer alongside us in the trenches.-made up
'Blue chips' are--Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
The 'Climax' of a plot is what happens--at the height
The act of doing deliberate damage to something is called :-sabotage
A person who thinks and talks too much about himselt is called a/an--egoist
Ruminant-Cub-chewing animal
'Nota bene' means --mark well
A man who writes about his own life writes --an autobiography
A spoecialist in eye diseases is called --an ophthalmologist
The word 'precedence' means --priority
Societies living in the periphery are always ignored.Here the underlined word means--marginal areas
'Sedative' means --a drug used to calm a person or animal to make them sleep.
A formal composition or speech expressing high praise of somebody?-eulogy
'Take a back' means --to be surprised
The word 'hardly' means --almost not
What is the meaning of the word 'protrude'?-to stick out from something
Which one of the following does not mean 'a road'?-lagoon
'Paediatric' is realted to the treatment of --children
'Bring to book' এর অর্থ হচ্ছে --Rebuke
'The French' refers to --the French people
'Tertiary' means --third in order
" Equivocation" means -.-Two contrary things in the same statement
The study of religion is --Theology
If something does not make sense, it is not --logical
A person who speaks many languages is called --polyglot
'Leave no shone untumed' means --try every possible means
When a person says 'he's all in'. it means--He is very tired
A person who writes about his own life writes --an autobiography
'Geriatrics' is the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of --old people
What is the meaning of the word 'Viva voce'?-interview
The word 'solar' is related to --Sun
The word 'hardly' means --almost mot
"He is not present is the class. He must be sick". Here 'must be' expresses --Certainty
A person who treats mental illness is called --a psychiatrist
'Kindred' means --relationship by birth or descent
A word which can be interpreted in more than one way is --ambiguous
'A person in a family who lived a long time ago is called :-Ancestor
The word 'culinary' is related to-cooking
The scientific study of and treatment of tumors in the body is --Oncology
The word 'ecological' is related to -.-environment
The science of teaching is called --Pedagogy
One who treats cancer patients is called a/an --oncologist
The word 'homogeneous' means --of the same kind
গণতন্ত্রের সূচনা হয় কোন দেশে?-গ্রিস
The word 'adulteration' can be best explained as --to mix something intensely
'Paradise Lost' attempted to --Justify the ways of God of man
'Proclaim' means-declare
A person who writes about his own life writers --an autobiography
Syntax means --Sentence building
What do you mean by the word 'Gesture'?-body movement
Something that is 'fresh' is something --in fairy good condition

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