Spelling Mistakes

Select a word having the correct spelling.-Profession
Choose the correctly spelt word---Accomplish
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Dissonance
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Implementation
Select the correctly spelt word---Unceremonious
Choose the correct spelling.-Dysentery
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Principal
Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.-Extension
Choose the correct spelling.-profession
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Versatile
Choose the correct spelling.-misspell
Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: CALENDER-Calendar
Choose the correctly spelt word---Humorous
Choose the correct spelling.-colossal
Choose the correct spelling.-assassination
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Lieutenant
Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: MESCHIEVOUS-Mischievous
Choose the correct spelling.-Attendance
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Embassy
Choose the correct spelling.-vigilant
Choose the correct spelling.-Humorous
Choose the correct spelling.-miscellaneous
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-authoritative
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-harmonious
Choose the correct spelling.-occurrence
Choose the correct spelling.-Hallucination
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Colleague
Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: EMBARASSMENT-Embarrassment
Which of the correct spelling?-Recession
In the follow questions, five groups of four words are given. In each group one word in misspelt. Find the misspelt word.-applauce
In the follow questions, five groups of four words are given. In each group one word in misspelt. Find the misspelt word.-gaeity
Choose the correct spelling.-commentary
Choose the correct spelling.-possession
Choose the correct spelling.-curriculum
Choose the correct spelling.-Immediately
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Salient
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Heterogeneous
Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.-Appropriate
Choose the correctly spelt word---Supersede
Choose the correct spelling.-Beginning
Choose the correct spelling.-privilege
Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.-Licence
Choose the correct spelling.-Dilemma
In the follow questions, five groups of four words are given. In each group one word in misspelt. Find the misspelt word.-perceiv
Choose the correct spelling:-questionnaire
Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: KINDERGARDEN-Kindergarten
Choose the correct spelling.-Tuition
Choose the correct spelling.-Exaggerate
Choose the correct spelling.-Souvenir
Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.-Collateral
Choose the correct spelling.-Tomorrow
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Cessation
Choose the correct spelling.-maintenance
In the follow questions, five groups of four words are given. In each group one word in misspelt. Find the misspelt word.-allmighty
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Remittance
Choose the correct spelling.-Acquaintance
Choose the correct word spelling from the given options.-Credential
Choose the correct spelling.-messenger
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Temperature
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Personnel
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-Dissonance
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Certificate
In the follow questions, five groups of four words are given. In each group one word in misspelt. Find the misspelt word.-denuse
Choose the correct spelling.-Assessment
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-descending
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Unfair
Which of the following word is not correctly spelled?-Obssession
Choose the correct spelling.-Millennium
Choose the correct spelling.-Tuberculosis
Select the correctly spelt word---Elementary
Select a word having the correct spelling.-Intention
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Relevant
Choose the correctly spelt word---Piety
Choose the correct spelling.-Tobacco
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-precedence
Sellect the correctly spelt word---Superior
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Recognition
Choose the correct spelling.-Tournament
Choose the correct spelling.-committee
Select a word having the correct spelling.-Conference
Choose the correctly spelt word---Voluntary
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.-Parallel
Choose the correct spelling.-fulfil
Choose the correct spelling.-Separate
The correct spelling is:-pharmaceutical
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-enthusiastic
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-sterilization
Choose the correct spelling.-Bureaucrat
Choose the correct spelling.-Relevant
Choose the correct spelling.-Lieutenant
Select a word having the correct spelling.-Recession
Choose the correct spelling.-abhorrence
Choose the correct spelling.-Reference
Choose the correct spelling.-Fascination
Choose the correct spelling.-Anniversary
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Philosopher
Choose the correct spelling.-commission
Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options.-Career
Choose the correct spelling.-Succession
For each word written below, select a word having the 'correct spelling'.-fallacious
Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters: RHYTHEM-Rhythm

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