
How many types are of Assertive sentence?-2
When one is 'pragtmatic'he is being ----practical
Choose the correct option: Even as harvesting was going on ----the rainy season began
If water is heated to 100 C , it ---- as steam.-would boil and escape
What is the positive degree of 'the cow is the most useful animal'?-No other animal is so useful as the cow .
---- I would have been able to read for a while before bedtime.-If the room had been brighter
A sentence must have ---Subject and a definite verb
He is a good man (Negative without changinging the meaning)-He is not a bad man
The parents became extremely --- when there son had not returned by eleven o'clock.-anxious
I'll write down the phone number ---- I forget.-in case
If a ruby is heated it --- temporarily loose its colour.-will
Akhi missed the train (Negative)-Akhi did not catch the train
I told her everything lest she --- me.-should misunderstand
I must do this . (Negative)-I cannot help doing this
No animal is so big-----the blue whale.-as
The changes in the city have occurred---rapidly
If I were a king, I --- not know what sorrows are.-would
Sub-ordinate clauses are devided into----3
I am a teacher of English ---- ?-am n't I ?
Choose the right word to fill the blank: Two of the children have to sleep in one bed,but the other there have --ones.-separate
Roentgen won ----- 1901 Noble prize.-X (Nothing)
To stay healthy,We must plan to have a balanced----diet
If we had a boat , we --- the river.-would cross
News of the shocking attack of parl Harbor --- the nation into action.-galvanized
I wish you would tell me----who lives next door
Would that I were a child again . What type of sentence it is?-optative sentence
Hot milk has long been a standard cure for insomnia because of its ---- quality-soporific
It burns the prettiest of any wood (positive).-No other wood burns as pretty as it
When a man greets you by saying ,"How do you " Your response should be ---- ?-Fine! thank you
I had done the work and went home.( Simple )-Having done the work , I went home
Would that I could fly in the sky ! (Assertive)-I wish I could fly in the sky
Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with --- poor.-X (Nothing)
Contest always has----Opponents
You may eccept the job on offer---you may wait for a better job.-or
---stay in the hotel.-Again they will never
কোনটি Simple বাক্য ?-I want a car to drive
To stay healthy,we must plan to have a balanced ----diet
Fill in the gap to complete the sentence: I shall ---- the sum before the teacher comes.-do
If I --- the trick with my own eyes I would never have believed it possible.-hadn't seen
Possessive of children is-Children's
I will carry an umbrella in case --It rains
you may be in ----- market for a full-service health club; then ,make sure it offers lots of activities.-the
find out the correct sentence. Which follows the rules of degree correctly .-You are the wisest and most beautiful of the three girls.
Which one is the example of adverbial clause ?-All of the above
Cricket is a very exciting game. ( Exclamatory )-What an exciting game cricket is!
He --- dress formally to work but always ----does not have to,does
"Though , Although , Because , Since , As " implies the --Complex sentence
It is usually --- lava but gas that kills people during volcanic eruption.-not
I thought that---was the last one.-the prettiest one of all
Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)-Who does not know this ?
I can't quite --- out what is written on the board.-make
If teaching ---- more , fewer teachers would leave the profession.-paid
Complete the sentence : " If the sun didn't shine , fruits ---."-wouldn't ripen
As they waited Rahim argued against war-----while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution
He is at least as intelligent as any other boy in the class.-No other boy in the class is more intelligent than he is
Complete the sentence: Having ------ me he has married again?-forgotten
'No one can do it'. The interrogative is --Can anyone do it
Which one of the following is an imperative sentence ?-Be quiet and listen to my words
stockings are --- socks.-long
Nature is the --- physician.-best
While going to office, take your umbrella --- it rins.-in case
Find out the compound sentence ---You have got a first division and I am glad to know it
The parthenon is said ------ erected in the age of pericles.-to have been
If I --- a millionare , I --- help every worthy cause.-were , would
The garden is very beautiful. বাক্যটির Exclamatory form হবে --How beautiful the garden is !
Choose the comparative degree of ' he is one of the best players in the team'.-He is better than most other players in the team.
We reached there and the rain started at once . The complex sentence of the sentence given is ---All of the above
Einstein is known for his theory of ----- relativity .-X (Nothing)
As they waited Rahim argued against war---while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution
If you went away now , your friends --- you.-would miss
None but one student was absent . which is affirmative?-only one student was absent
When they had their first child ,They put--a large sum for his education.-aside
The man said this and went away . (Make it complex-None of the above
If you paint that picture well , they --- it in the exhibition-will hang
The right word to fit in the gap of the followingsentence---'give her a telephone number to ring---she gets lost'-Incase
Although a few years ago the fundamental fact about the Milky way seemed fairly well--now even its mass and radius have come into---established--question
The influence of the technological revolution in---and---the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few should worry us all.-accelerating--intensifying
I know his name (complex) .-I knew what his name is .
Look in ---- loker room, workout room, and shower ---- everywhere should be clean-the
He has only a few books.(Negative )-He has nothing but a few books.
choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentence .'He had a---of fever.'-severe attack
How many kinds are of Clauses?-3
--- is not the only thing that tourists want to see.-Scenery
If we want concrete proof ,we are looling for -----clear evidence
Having been served lunch ---- . The sentence in incomplete . Choose on which best completes the sentence.-the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
What would have happened if --- ?-The bridge had broken
Which one of the following sentence is a simple sentence ?-Inspite of his poverty he is happy
Javed is a boy who is good. (Simple )-Javed is a good boy
She is beautiful but she is---her mother-not so beautiful as
Trees have--off their leaves.-cast
She noticed---away from the house.-him running
Almost every one fails ---on the first try.-to have past his driver's test
The streets would be wet , if it --rained
It was --- funny; I --- stop ----very,could not,laughing
Can you tell me where ---- ? Which of the following is the best clause in the above sentence ?-Mr. Ali lives
Which one of these sentences is a compound sentence ?-I am weak but I can walk
He did not miss the opportunity --- বাক্যটির Interrogative কি হবে?-Did he miss the opportunity?
Shop wisely ! you could end up choosing ----- wrong club and losing more money than pounds.-the
Although he left very --- he smiled ----angry,friendly
Climate is a --- of environment.-state
Make the following as a negative sentence .You are the only person fit for the job.-No other person but you is fit for the job
Change the following into comparative sentence.I am as brave as he.-He is not braver than I
If I were you , I (handle ) the situation more carefully. Which of the following verb forms best completes the above sentence ?-Would handle
My brother won an award for being ------ best speller in our school-The
He stoped his car ---- when the light turned red.-abruptly
The right word to fit in the gap of the following sentence. 'Give her a telephon number to ring --- she gets lost' --Incase
The right word to fit in the gap of the following sentence : 'Give her a telephone number to ring --- she gets lost.-In case
What a nice bird it is ! change the above sentence into assertive sentence.-It is a very nice bird
Every mother loves her child. make it negative.-There is no mother but loves her child
'You --- help me if you don't have time. I can do the job myself.-don't have to
New programs will be--next week in bangladesh televgision.-telecast
Which of the following sentence is a compound sentence ?-Govern your passions or they will govern you
He confessed his guilt.(Complex)-He confessed that he was guilty
The police --- the mob.-dispersed
'One day the sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship'-- is a-Simple sentence
Which one of the following is a complex sentence ?-We eat that we may leave
you must work hard for success. (Make it compound without changing the meaning ).-Work hard and you will succeed
Choose the right word to fill the blank:Since his retirement ,Mr Chowdhury,who --was a teacher,hasw written four novels.-formerly
Find out the incorrect sentence.-The climate of Rajshahi is better than Dhaka
Find out the incorrect option (s).-Both a and c.
I told him everything lest he---.-should misunderstand me
He tried all plans. (Negative )-He tried no plan untried
Mother Teresa received ----- her Nobel peace prize in 1979.-X (Nothing)
The flight will take off ---that the weather is good.-provided
I want to buy ------ laptop computer next week-a
No one can --that he is clever.-Deny
Select the right word/words to fill in the gap: 'Alexander Graham Bell --- the telephone.'-invented
you had a car last year. which of the following interrogative forms of this affirmative sentence is correct?-Had you a car last year ?
I believe that he is honest. What kind of Sentence it is?-complex
She --- to death last night if a passer by hand't seen the flames in the downstairs rooms.-would have been burned
We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative )-Are not we proud of our freedom fighters ?
She was ---- founder of ---- order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.-The / an
All of the people at the AAME conference are----Mathematics teachers
Complete the sentence 'If she had studied harder ----.?-she would have done well
Einstein won ----- Nobel prize in physics in 1921-the
The interrogative form of the sentence " He is a great scholar " is ---Is he not a great scholar ?
He had--of fever.-strong attack
Hello, my name is bod ! I haven't anything to do tonight , so if you're not busy , would you like to watch ----- movie or something with me ?-a
He knew it was a very --- operation but he was determined to carry it out.-troublesome
Shaheen would never have taken the job if --- what great demand it would make on his time.-he had known
"come on and be my friend",is a/an----invitation
If I were a king , I --- not know what sorrows are.-would
Which one of the following is a simple sentence ?-In spite of being old, he carried a load of two buskets
Try to talk to other members of the club . find out what they believe are ------ advantages and disadvantages there.-the
First , know what you want and need in ---- fitness facility , and don,t pay for what you'll never use.-a
Transform the sentence into Negative Interrogative. He went home.-Did he not go home ?
select word/words to fill in the gap:' -----,it is good to take a walk in the park.'-when the sun is not too hot
Must have+Past Participle is a match for --He must have neglected his studies
If he had tried to leave the country he ---- stopped at the frontier.-would have been
They have ---- their support for our case-pledged
I cannot ---to pay such high prices.-afford
Before we can decide on the future uses of this deug ---we must review much more information
If you only want exercise classes , ----- exercise studio without weight machines and locker rooms may work for you.-an
He --- arrested if he had tried to leave the country.-would have been
'He reads the book'. বাক্যটির Interrogative কি হবে ?-Does he read the book ?
' If I knew this before ' is an --Optative Sentence
Few people would care to take the side of the proposition that the Woman of the world are---and----oppressed--scorned
I would have picked you up from the airport if I ---- that you had planned to arrive today.-had known
He has a cup of tea everyday . (Interrogative)-Dosen't he have a cup of tea everyday ?
My uncle arrived while I---the dinner.-was cooking
Indicate the complex sentence ---?-Kawsar is such a good man that you can fully rely on him
Where there is a will , there is a way . The sentence contains ----Adverbial clause
Which one of the following is a compound sentence?-Take another chance , else your life will be at peril
I wish I were an ideal teacher . (Exclamatory)-If I were an ideal teacher !
Shakespeare's play are as alive and ---- today as these were in his lifetime.-appealing
We must keep our fingers --- that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.-cressed (crossed)
"There is nothing nobler than love."is a/an----complex sentence
Choose the correct sentence.-You are going to school , aren't you ?
Nobody likes a liar . The affirmative from of this sentence is --Everybody hates a liar
Move and die. (simple)-By moving you will die .
Which one of the following is an affirmative sentence of the Sentence given. "I can never forget you"-Can I ever forget you?
Everyone always remember him (make it negative).-Everyone never forgets him
The boy has a book. It is an --- ?-Assertive sentence
Mandela was imprisoned for ---- nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.-X (Nothing)
Had I known in advance, I --- this in the board meeting.-would have reported
When one of the following is a compound sentence ?-He worked hard yet he could not succeed in the examination .
If I had known you were coming ---?-I would have gone to the airport
Change the following Sentence into simple sentence.He is so honest that he will not accept a bribe.-He is toohonest to accept a bride
The negative of 'everybody hates a liar' is----Nobody likes a liar
Select word /words to fill in the gap:'Museums,---art of various kinds ,attract most visitors'.-feature
Priyom is only six. (Negative )-Priyom is not more than six.
Mother Teresa lived in ----- Calcutta , India .-X (Nothing)
The black cat 'chews a bone' .Here 'chews a bone' is a----predicate
We saw a bird (which was flying in the sky).The bracket close words constitute a/an-Adjective clause
It is man who is the maker of his own fortune. (Simple )-Man is the maker of his own fortune
In order to improve farming methods ,we need----machinery
The author thinks that true learning will lead to-----better expressive powers
None of the students in the class left any doubt ---- enjoyed this class-as to whether or not he/she
If I --- rich, I would travel around the world.-were
Which one is an incorrect sentence?-I watched him to eat
I had a nice dream last night ( Interrogative )-Did not I have a nice dream last night ?
' Do or die' is a sentence --Compound
Don't make a noise while your father---is sleeping
If Napoleon had not invaded Russia , he --- the rest of Europe.-would have conquered
Which one is the correct question to ask ?-Do you have a complain against me ?
If you make delay , you --- the train.-will miss
' Read attentively ' এটি কোন ধরনের বাক্য ?-Imperative
----discovered of insulin ,it was not possible to treat diabetes-Prior to the
Anger, even when it is ---has one virtue ,it overcomes----inevitalote--desire
They should be educated in physical education or certified by ----- organization such as the American council on exercise.-an
If I lived near my office --- in time for work.-I would be
'He tried all plans' বাক্যটির Negative form হবে --He did not try all plans
Mandela was ----- first president elected in ---- south Africa after ---- Apartheid was revoked .-the / X / X
'Give my--to him?-compliments
Can you please help me pick out ----- birthday present for my father ?-a
The hill is so high that I can not climb it .Thrn the above sentence into simple sentence .-The hill is too high form to climb
Crickrt is a very exciting game . (Exclamatory)-What an exciting game cricket is !
choose the postive degree of ' He is no less clever than a fox'.-He is as clever as a fox
A degree in economics---his door to many jobs.-opens
What kind of Sentence is the following He is too weak to walk .-Complex
As the sun --, I decided to go out.-was shining
'None can do this.' what is the corred interrogative form of this sentence?-who can do this ?
To --- the arrival of spring ,Bangladesh television ----- a special function.-celebrate : organized
Choose the right word of fill the blank: The democratic party's candidate --defeat in the small hours of the morning.-accepted
'May Allah help you'. What kind of sentence is this ?-Optative
Which of the following sentence is correct ?-If you don't hurry , you will miss the plane
can you please go to ----- grocery store on fifth street and buy 2 cartons of milk?-the
Find the complex form of ' He is poor but honest '-Despite his poverty he is honest
I like to watch tennis on Television. It is ---- very good game-an
One should be careful about ---duty-one's
The Arabian Nights--still a great favourite.-is
The patient had died before the doctor came. What kind of sentence it is?-complex
A compound sentence has --- ?-two or more sub-ordinate clause
I have a cow which is red . The underlined part is a/an ---principal clause
He had a---headache.-bad
The proper function of the press is surely to--the man in the street with facts.-provide
I know you . (complex)-I know who you are
When I was eating , he came. It is a --- ?-Complex sentence
Which one of the following sentence contains Noun clause?-That he is an honest man is known to all
If he wants to play the violin , I ---- the piano for him.-shall play
Find out the correct option .-All of the above
we have had tasty and --- meals-nutritious
They came by car, --- ?-didn't they
Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?-Govern your passions , por they will govern you
Mr. Karim has not ---- . The sentence is incomplete . Choose on which best completes the sentence .-Ever lived alone before
Choose the correct interpretation of the sentence : "If the rain had stopped we might , have gone to the football match."-We were not allowed to go because of the rain
What type of sentence is - 'What is lotted cannot be blotted ' ?-Simple
Choose the right option from the following Which follows the rules of degree correctly .-None of these
The olimpic games were watchedby ----- billions people all over the world.-literally
Complete the following sentence : If I had known you were coming ---- ?-I would have gone to the station
If there had been a concert today ---I would certainly have gone
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw ----- elephant crossing the road infront of my school yesterday.-an
Einstein left his country and lived in ---- states untill he died in 1955.-the
'Climbing up a tree,I saw agrey monkey.'who was Climbing up the tree?-the speaker
Which one the imperative sentence ?-Sit down
Tell me --- that-who told you
There is only a high school at satkhira (Negative) .-There is not more than a high school at Satkhira .
Finally, before you sign ---- agreement to join , read the contract carefully.-no article
A seventeen year old is not --- to vote in an election.-old enough
Identify the complex sentence ---He bought the library which belonged to his uncle
If I had seen you , I ( to call ) you .-would have called
What one is an imperative sentence ?-Open the door
The right expression for " Am I not " ?-amn't I ?
(He gave me a book) that i lost . The bracket close part is a/an ----principal clause
Choose the correct answer. How long did you wait ?-until 6 'O' clock
prices for bicycles can run---Tk.2,ooo.oo.-as high as
" May he not suffer " is an --Optative Sentence
Cancer cells are normal cells run riot ,growing and multiplying out of---control
Which of the following is the correct interrogative sentence ?-Where do you come from ?
Mother Teresa was ----- Roman Catholic num.-a
Certified instructors have at least some knowledge of anatomy , exercise physiology, injury prevention and ---- cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).-no article
The influence of the technological revolution in ---- and ---- the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few should worry us all.-accelerating--intensifying
Select the right word.He ran fast Lest he--miss the train.-should
If we want concrete proof ,We are looking for----Clear evidence
The company asked for --- information-additional
If he does not move , he will die.(Compound )-Move or die.
' Let 's have a part ---- ? Which tag is suitable for use ?-won't you
Einstein was born in ----- Germany in 1879-the
He is an honest man. ( Interrogative )-Is he an honest man ?
Choose the right word of fill the blank: It will be your test to make sure tthe--of traffic is maintained without interruption.-flow
Add question tag to the following sentence: He is not a liar, ----is he?
" He ---- to see us if he had been able to. "-would have come
If I --- you , I would never do it.-were
Complete the following sentence: 'If i had known you were coming---I would have gone to the station
Had I known in advance, I --- enough money.-would have taken
Choose the correct alternative from the given ones which follows the correct use of Degree-No fewer than twenty boys were present there
she wanted to serve some coffe to her guests;however---.-She didn't have much sugar
Albert Einstein was ----- famous scientist .-a
Many students will now be starting to --- about there exams result.-worry
He is only five . (Negative)-Let him do or he will die
I must go there. (negative)-I cannot but go there
Which is the correct request ?-Let me stay alone
---particular presence, please be specific.-However, if you have any
Which one in the following indicates equative to "x costs more than Y" ?-X doesn't cost as little as Y
I have read the book --- you lent me.-that
something that is 'fresh' is something---in fairly good condition
In academic essay writing which person is preferable?-third person
Fill in the blank:Give my ---- to him.-compliments
Tree score is---three times twenty
Are you sopping for ---- health club to join so you can get in shape ?-a
Oh! that I would get this job - এই বাক্যটি হচ্ছে --Exclamatory
' Please bring me a cup of tea ' What kind of sentence is this ?-Imperative
Which one is the simple sentence ?-I know the place of his living.
I need a book only. বাক্যটির Negative form হবে ----I need nothing but a book
What kind of sentence is the following one: How far is the train station.-Interrogative
Which one is an optative sentence ?-May God speed up your recovery
The boy who came here is my brother. The under wned part is a/an ----adjective clause
Which sentence uses 'what ' improperly ?-What time is it ?
It would be plesant if we --- where to go.-knew
Susan' sell-confidence was ---as she had scorred poorly in the exam.-demoralized
Choose the superlative degree of ' very few persons in the village are as wise as father.'-Father is one of the wisest persons in the village
Masum is a boy but rina is a girl. The clause in the sentence is-Co-ordinating Clause
I wish I were a king. ( Exclamatory )-Would that I were a king!
'A hundred percent marks in English is too high a score to achive'. ---- sentence.-Simple
------ San diego fitness experts recommend throughly checking out several health clubs before you join one.-the
'Never before has any student scored so high in the test as she did this year.' means:-She scored the highest among all the test- takes
If I (have ) money, I would have given you.-had had
The last word of the proverb "Handsome is that handsome---.'-does
Which of the of the following is a Imperative sentence ?-All of the above
----- locker room , workout room, and shower ----- everywhere should be clean .-the
'Do not laugh at the poor ' . কোন প্রকার sentence ?-Imperative
Please meet me at the train station in ---- hour from now .-an
The --- beauty of this land captivates our mind and makes us happy-scenic
Which one of the following contains Adverbial clause?-I know the man better than you .
certainly, I shall stand by you ( complex)-It is certain that I shall stand by you
one working in the same place is a----contemporary
What kind of sentence the following is?spend your money carefully lest you should fall into poverty.-Compound sentence
Which sentence is in Imperative Mood ?-Stop reading loudly
He is the best boy in the class . (possitive)-No other boy in the class is as good as he.
if you're looking for ----- place to only do body building , you'll be happy in a basic gym.-a
He is only five . (Negative)-He is not less than five
A-- statement is an--comparison;it does not compare things explicitly,but suggest a likeness between them.-blatant--overt
For the Bangladeshi,the---is rice.-staple
---- president of the United states will be visiting Australia next week-the
"not once has our neighbour invited us into his house."-our neighbour has never invited us into his house
Which sentence is in imperative mood ?-I must go, come what may
Because she had a reputation for--we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so---querulousness--affably
Walk fast (lest you should miss the train ).The bracket close part is a/an ----Adverbial clause
Do not worry , English grammar is not --- to understand. Which of the following best fits in the blank space ?-too difficult
you should evaluate ----- equipment and make sure fitness machines are modern and in working order .-X (Nothing)
They have --- their support for our case.-pledged
Samira heard the news and started weeping at once.Change the sentence into complex sentence.-All of the above
----, he would have signed his name in the corner.-If he had painted that picture
If the price is low , demand --- ?-will increase
you may find out too late that ---- health clubs aren't for you.-no article
Look forward to your --- consideraqtion-kind
Although he is poor, he is honest (simple).-Dispite his poverty ,he is honest .
Roentgen was ----- German physicist who discovered X-rays, revolutionizing medical diagnosis.-a
I know his birthday. The complex form of the given sentence is ----Both a and b
Having been served lunch---,The sentence is incomplete,choose one which best completes the sentence.-the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
How much will it cost to go on ---- holiday to Bali?-a
If cigarettes were banned , life ---would become healthy
If you read , you 'll learn. The sentence is a --complex sentence
Choose the correct tense in the sentence ' If you had brushed your teeth carefully , you --- fewer cavities. ?-would have had
Nobody knocked him down;it was an---accident
which one of the following sentewnce is simple sentence ?-In spite of his poverty he is happy
Choose the correct tense---Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep
Which of the following is a Imperative sentence?-All of the above
If he --- on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.-goes
Transform the following into compound sentence. I am sure that you are wrong.-You are wrong and of this I am sure
If there was a concert today ----- .-I would go
Fill up the gap : you would succeed if you ---- again.-tried
Look for a place near your house , and check out ---- exercise instructors and personal trainers .-the
Though he tried hard , he failed . ( compound )-He tried hard but failed
Either Rahim or Karim was present there. The sentence is a----Compound sentence
We waited till sunset .The complex sentence of the given sentence is ----We waited untill the sunset
I spent --with the patient.-some time
The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it.(simple)-The tea is too hot for me to drink
Change the following intoComparative form .He is the Wisest man in our locality.-He is wiser than any other in our locality
Find out the simple sentence-We eat to live
Which one is a correct sentence?-They had arrived before we left.

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